10 Rules For Training A Dog

10 rules for training a dog

When a dog enters your life, you must know that among the many responsibilities, you have that of educating him, regardless of whether he is a puppy or an already adult animal. With a lot of patience, clear rules and love, you will surely achieve success in dog training.

Factors to consider when training a dog

The first thing to know is that it is never too early or too late to train your four-legged friend.

A puppy can begin to learn some basic rules as early as a few weeks after birth. In any case, even an adult animal always has time to assimilate new information.

Here is the list of the 10 fundamental rules for an optimal dog training.

I. Patience


If you think your dog will learn everything at once, you are very wrong. The key to success is to aim for your goal by advancing step by step, little by little. Teach them the rules one at a time, because if you show impatience, you won’t get any results.

II. Constance

Surely you will have to repeat over and over again what you intend to teach your furry friend. Do not be discouraged if he makes mistakes or if it is difficult for him to assimilate what you ask for. By maintaining steadfastness and perseverance, you will eventually succeed.

III. Clarity

In order for your dog to understand what you want to convey to him, you must give clear and precise orders, consisting of a few short words. Some examples are the classics “Come”, “Seated”, “Via” and “Basta”.

IV. Consistency

Do not change the rules of the game during the race: you will only end up confusing him. Always use the same terms for every order. On the other hand, you must remember that what you have allowed your dog today, you will not be able to forbid it tomorrow, and vice versa. Try not to drive him crazy.

V. Coordination

Before starting dog training, agree with the other family members so that they all use the same words for a certain order.

Also take care to coordinate on what the animal is allowed to do and what not, so that there are no differences between one person and another and not even with the passage of time.

YOU. Rewards

Use Positive Reinforcement for good dog training. Try to ignore what is not doing well, rewarding its successes instead with praise, caresses and, occasionally, with some of his favorite treats. You will see that, little by little, you will reach your goals.

VII. No punishment

Punishing your dog for failing to learn is not a good method. Surely he will not understand the reason for your indisposition and, on the contrary, you will only get a fearful and confused animal. Remember the first rule, don’t lose your patience. Nothing positive is ever achieved with violence.

VIII. Approach the training of the dog with peace of mind

To get the results you expect from dog training, the ideal is to create a relaxed and relaxed environment. If you give him tension, you will surely end up achieving little or nothing. You must carry out this activity in a pleasant and fun environment. Through the game, he will learn much easier and faster, rest assured.

IX. Avoid humanizing your pet

Never forget that, as much as you may wish, your pet is not a human being. Respect the particularities of his species and don’t expect him to behave like a person: he is a dog. So face his training without ever losing sight of this small but fundamental detail.

X. Liability


Dog training, at least with regard to basic behavioral norms, is one of the responsibilities that you must take on when you decide to take one of these animals with you.

It is something you will have to dedicate yourself to from the very first moment. So take this task very seriously and ask your vet for advice to clarify any doubts.

One more tip for training your dog

To conclude, the most important thing: dedicate yourself to the education of your new partner with a lot of affection. Training him properly is a way to show him that you appreciate him

An animal that feels loved will certainly learn better and faster. Without a shadow of a doubt, he will be able to reward your loving dedication with even greater affection.

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