5 Dangers Of Autumn For Dogs: Watch Out!

Each season of the year affects your dog in some way. With the arrival of autumn, there are some dangers that must be prevented.
5 dangers of autumn for dogs: watch out!

Today we are going to tell you about some dangers of autumn for dogs. Not all seasons of the year have the same complications and not all animals have the same mood. Here are 5 dangers to avoid.

Dangers of autumn for dogs

Autumn is a beautiful season in which the orange and reddish colors together with a pleasant climate begin to blossom. Despite this, it’s not that fun for dogs, as this period brings with it a number of dangers for them that must be avoided at all costs. Here are some of them:

The cold

After the summer, autumn can bring days of sudden cold that hit dogs without you realizing it. Normally, they stay warm at home, but when taking them for a walk they can suffer from thermal shock. To avoid this, you need to make sure that your furry friend is dry at all times and that the temperature in the house is not so high that he feels the jolt once out on the street.

On the other hand, if you think your dog is very susceptible to low temperatures, you can opt for a sweater or woolen dress to protect him.

If you have an elderly pet, remember that the cold can negatively affect his joints, so it is recommended that at the beginning of autumn you go with him to the vet to have him undergo a complete check-up, so that he can prescribe medicines or medicines. necessary supplements.

Among the main dangers of autumn for dogs there is certainly the cold


With the end of summer, in many countries there are celebrations in which fireworks are launched. Dogs are sensitive to loud noises,  so place your pet in a safe place away from the area where they will be heard.

Avoid taking it to the street, as the noise of these could make it escape and therefore suffer an indication.

Poisonous mushrooms, among the most terrible dangers of autumn for dogs

If you are in the habit of walking your dog in the woods, be careful with the appearance of mushrooms, as many are poisonous and could cause him to die. While many are edible to us, they could be harmful to animals. Be careful that your furry friend does not ingest them while walking.

Woman with dog in the woods

Be careful with toxic substances

Dogs eat everything on the street, which is why you have to keep them under control in the fall. Motorists start using antifreeze for their vehicles, from which residues could come out that animals could ingest.

On the other hand, in some farms they apply rat killers outside,  as rodents in this period look for warmer places to take refuge. Make sure your furry friend does not come near these structures, it is very dangerous.


Parasites reproduce in the fall. What can you do to prevent them from latching onto your dog? Lock him up in the house? Obviously not. The best thing is that when autumn comes, you have to use pesticides  and apply repellent products to it every time you go out on the street together. Consult your vet about their use.

As you can see, autumn brings dangers for your dog that you must avoid, but if you follow these tips, the season will pass without any complications.

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