5 Most Faithful Dogs In History You Must Know

The fidelity of dogs far exceeds that of humans. Very often moving stories are reported dedicated to these animals which often remain for years on the graves of their masters.
5 most loyal dogs in history you need to know

There are many stories and news of dogs that strike our sensitivity, for the absolute devotion shown towards their owners. The most faithful dogs in history, remain close to the spirits of their masters, even after death, lovingly watching next to their tombstones.

Still others await them outside the hospital door, where they last saw them enter.

These moving testimonies underline, once again, the great nobility of these animals. But, at the same time, they reveal their sixth sense and the incredible ability to orient they possess.

Some have become very famous and have inspired several films. For this reason, we have decided to dedicate an entire article to them, the  most loyal dogs in history . A short but moving journey, which will take us to travel almost all over the world.

Most loyal dogs in history: Canelo (Cadiz, Spain)

Canelo is the name of a dog who lived in Cadiz in the 1980s. This faithful pet accompanied its master almost everywhere.

Being a lonely man with no family, Canelo was his only company.

The dog stayed by his owner’s side for many years, once a week, even accompanying him during visits to the hospital, where the old man underwent continuous dialysis treatments.

He stood outside, right on the door of the clinic, waiting for the return of his human friend.

One day, unfortunately, during one of the treatments, the man’s heart stopped beating. Well, Canelo waited for his master at the hospital door for 12 years.

The animal did not agree to leave this place. Many people, moved by his behavior, began to bring him water and food. Without a doubt, Canelo is one of the most loyal dogs in history.

Dog looks out the window

Bobby (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Bobby was a Terrier dog that lived in the mid 19th century. The owner, an Edinburgh policeman, really lived in symbiosis with his four-legged friend: the two were inseparable.

One day the policeman died of fulminant tuberculosis. Bobby accompanied the procession to the cemetery, where his master was buried.

In an act of incredible nobility, and proving to be an extraordinarily loyal dog, Bobby remained on his owner’s grave for 14 years, until the day he died.

Locals fed him and gave him shelter in the winter months. He has become a true legend, admired and loved by all.

Guacho (Uruguay)

Guacho is the name of a dog from Uruguay who lived side by side with his beloved owner in the 1960s.

One day, unfortunately, the man fell ill and had to be transferred to a hospital more than 50 km from home. Guacho was left alone and very sad.

Tired of the new situation, the animal decided to go in search of its master.

Incredibly and overcoming countless obstacles and dangers, this tenacious dog finally managed to find the clinic where his friend had been hospitalized.

Guacho settled quietly outside the building, waiting for the master to come out. The staff of the health center and the neighbors, moved, began to take care of him.

When the fateful day came, the animal began to howl with deep sadness, outside the hospital.

He accompanied his friend to the cemetery, remaining on his grave, without moving, for 30 days. He later began to travel to the city in search of food, returning  every afternoon to the cemetery and sleeping on its owner’s grave.

German shepherd sitting on a grave

Collie (Argentina)

Collie enters by right on the list of the most loyal dogs in history. It arrived at the cemetery of La Piedad, in the city of Rosario (Argentina) the day its owner was buried there. That day he slept on his master’s grave.

The next day, the relatives of the deceased went to look for him. Collie did not want to abandon what she considered to be her place.

Family members let a few days pass and tried to use a leash as well, but to no avail. There was no way to take it away.

The animal refused to abandon its owner and remained next to the grave for a full five years.

Fido (Italy)

Fido lived in a small Italian town near Florence in the late 1930s. Its owner was a young man named Luigi, who worked in a local carpentry shop.

To go to work, Luigi had to take the train every morning. Fido accompanied him to the station and waited for him there in the evening  to go home together.

In 1943 Luigi was recruited by the army and sent to the Russian front. His faithful friend continued to wait for him every afternoon at the train station. He was looking with hope for the face of his owner among the passengers of the various wagons. Unfortunately, Luigi never returned home. Fido waited for him for seven years, until his death.

These animals will never cease to surprise us, for the fidelity and  love they show towards man. The nobility of the most faithful dogs in history appears strongly in these few episodes, just relived together, and we hope that they can inspire and be an example for more and more people.

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