5 Reasons To Adopt A Dog And Make Him Happy

5 reasons to adopt a dog and make him happy

We at  My Animals  have always been in favor of adopting a dog or a puppy. In this article we will explain the reasons for which to bring an animal into your life and use all the resources at your disposal to make it happy: it will be one of the best decisions you can ever make.

In fact, there are many people who, once they have adopted an animal, have decided to repeat the experience. It is certainly not easy to find a puppy to educate the way you like it, since usually in shelters and kennels there are dogs already in adulthood.

In any case, those who adopt an already large dog never regret. He will immediately realize that despite not having received a complete education, or beyond a bad temper, adopting a dog is a unique experience, even if already in adulthood. Because?

Reasons why adopting a dog is a good idea


Help the animals most in need

By researching the numbers of dog abandonment in your country, it is very likely that you will end up putting your hands through your hair. Worldwide, the number of abandoned animals is steadily increasing, as is the number of unscrupulous people.

Imagine how these poor defenseless animals can feel when they find themselves alone in the world. The lucky ones are collected and taken to shelters or kennels, and there they will have the opportunity to find a new owner. And this is where you come in.

There is also another big advantage to take into account: these animals have probably suffered abuse of various kinds, for which they will be enormously grateful for your every gesture of affection, ready to reward you with all the means at their disposal to make you happy.

Adopting a dog improves your physical and mental health

Having a dog, as already mentioned on several occasions, brings physical benefits, since it “forces” us to take it for a walk, to play and to run with it.

On top of that, a dog improves mental health and, if adopted, even better. Why do we tell you this? Because an adopted dog will be grateful, affectionate, tender and loving, since he will feel indebted to you for teaching him that there are not only the places where he lived and was treated badly. This will make you feel important and increase your self-esteem.

An adopted dog is delivered “clean”

It is a law adopted in most countries, according to which shelters and kennels can only entrust dogs after they have been vaccinated, cleaned of parasites and in possession of the chip. This will give you the advantage of knowing that the animal is in perfect health. It will also save you from shelling out the money you should spend on these practices if you buy your puppy.

A good companion for children

Beyond the fact that the exceptional character of an adopted dog is ideal for the little ones in the house, adopting a dog will teach your children a great quality: solidarity.

Your children will learn that “there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving,” to provide a refuge for those in need. Furthermore, they will witness the gradual change in the character of the animal, which will go from being fearful or even aggressive, to responding over time to the love received. 

This will teach your children a valuable lesson: love is the engine that should move the world, and that with it, anything can be achieved.


Opportunity to socialize

Maybe you find it hard to talk to other people on the street. Having an adopted dog will also help you in this, as his gratitude and affection will make him an affectionate and sociable dog, delightful with anyone he meets. This will propitiate conversations with other people.

Just explaining to a passer-by that your dog has been adopted can break the ice and spark a conversation with other dog owners. Masters who perhaps have never adopted and who, thanks to you, will be able to consider this option.

In conclusion, have you seen how many are the advantages of adopting a dog? If less fortunate dogs truly have the ability to improve your life, don’t you think it’s worth giving your best to make one happy? The answer can only be in the affirmative!

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