5 Remedies For Dog Constipation

5 remedies for dog constipation

Constipation in dogs is a fairly common problem and usually results from a poor diet or lack of exercise. Here are some remedies to help your dog regain bowel regularity.

Constipation in dogs

Normally, a dog sheds once or twice a day, but if this doesn’t happen or if the stools are scarce, small and hard, you are faced with a constipation problem.

If in addition to this you notice that your dog is listless, inappetent or has other unusual symptoms, do not hesitate to have him examined by the vet. In some cases, constipation is just one of the symptoms of a more serious illness.

Aside from the more serious problems that require specific medical attention, you have several ways to improve your dog’s bowel function. We have chosen five.

1. Olive oil


It is a noble food, which gives excellent results against constipation. It is a natural and easy to administer remedy; in fact, most dogs like its taste.

When you notice that your four-legged friend is having a hard time running out, add one or two spoonfuls of extra virgin olive oil to his food bowl for two to three days.

If the difficulty is chronic and there is no reason to suspect that the dog is sick, you can make it a habit to add the oil to his food a couple of days a week.

2. More fiber in your diet

A diet lacking the right amount of fiber contributes to making the dog constipated.

The food currently on the market, both dry and wet, should guarantee a balanced diet when it is of good quality; you have to choose it according to the dog’s needs, age, size and physical activity.

If you prefer home-cooked food, make sure it covers all of its nutritional needs; in this way you will avoid many inconveniences, among which, the difficulty in going to the body.

In summary, an adequate diet, whether based on industrial food or prepared at home, contributes to the good intestinal transit of our dear little friends.

3. Physical activity

Fighting the sedentary lifestyle, for both humans and pets, ensures better health.

The right amount of physical activity helps the intestines function properly. That is why it is so important to dedicate time to walks, games and exercises inside and outside the home.

4. Lots of water

One possible cause of constipation can be that the dog does not get enough fluids.  Make sure your pet always has fresh, clean water available.

The right amount of water, in addition to keeping the dog well hydrated, helps him to better digest everything he eats.

5. Wet foods

Both dogs and cats get most of the water they need from their food. Although natural foods are made up of about 70% water, this does not apply to dry food.

To balance, supplement your dog’s diet with wet food, bought or prepared at home.

Other causes of constipation in dogs


In addition to the most common causes of constipation, there are others,  including:

  • Age. As they get older, dogs may have a harder time getting regular bowel movements.
  • Prostate. Males with prostate disorders often have difficulty evacuating due to inflammation of this gland, which can put pressure on the rectum.
  • Tumors in the rectum area.
  • Disorders of the perianal glands.

In any case, do not hesitate to ask your veterinarian for advice.

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