5 Summer Activities To Do With Your Dog

Summer activities to do with your dog are not limited to the beach. In fact, it is also possible to choose the swimming pool, the mountain or the trekking, always taking into account some fundamental aspects: hydration and protection of the skin from the incidence of the sun.
5 summer activities to do with your dog

When summer comes, we start making plans to travel or have fun with our family and best friends. Warm days are the perfect opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and strengthen bonds with loved ones. In the following lines we propose some summer activities to do with your dog.

5 summer activities with your dog

A day of sun and sea

For many people, summer is synonymous with the beach. And not without good reasons: hot days are a real invitation to enjoy the sea and relax our mind by contemplating the horizon. So why should we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to have fun with our best friend in such a positive environment?

Italy and the Mediterranean in general offer a large number of beautiful beaches suitable for doing different summer activities with your dog. Some regions, such as Sardinia and Tuscany, have dozens of beaches where dogs are allowed, but they are not the only ones. Here are some choices you have at your disposal:

  • Dog Beach (San Vincenzo, Livorno, Tuscany). Dogs of all sizes are allowed on this beach; in addition, the assistance of qualified dog sitters and fun areas specifically created for your four-legged friend are available.
  • Porto Fido (Santa Teresa di Gallura, Sardinia). Located in the beautiful area of ​​northern Sardinia, this beach is a true paradise for our dogs. Despite the now high number of beaches for dogs in Sardinia, this, in addition to being one of the first, remains one of the best, and is equipped with a large space around each umbrella on which you can let your dog play.
  • BauBau Village (Albisola, Liguria). Opened in 1997, it is one of the first pet friendly beaches  . This establishment offers a large number of rescue, education and swimming courses to follow with your dog.

    These are some of the numerous alternatives offered by Italian beaches ready to host and entertain you and your four-legged companions.

    days on the beach are excellent opportunities for summer activities to do with your dog

    Summer activities to do with your dog: alternatives to the beach

    If we cannot go to a pet friendly  beach  or if the experience is not too pleasant for our dog, the swimming pool could be an excellent alternative for the summer. It is also an ideal solution for cloudy days when the beach may be a bit too cold.

    If your dog likes water, there are various summer activities that can keep him fit and entertain him in the pool. Always remember, however, to check the chlorine levels in the water, and never leave your dog alone. Also, before the onset of summer, it is necessary to strengthen the deworming of your pet.

    Outdoor trekking

    For those who love to keep fit in the company of their best friends, trekking can be the ideal solution. It is a physical and recreational activity that allows us to improve our physical fitness and strengthen the bond we have formed with our pet.

    All dogs can go trekking, as long as the necessary precautions are taken and the physical limits of their organism are respected. For this reason, before embarking on a new activity with your best friend, we recommend that you consult your trusted veterinarian.

    among the summer activities to do with your dog, trekking is one of the healthiest

    Mountain hiking

    Excursions in the mountains are also an excellent idea and allow us to enjoy various summer activities to do with our dog, especially for those who do not want to “compete” for a space on the crowded beaches. In addition to enjoying the mountain landscapes, it is possible to camp with your dog, cross the tree-lined paths and swim in crystal clear waters.

    Exercise your intelligence

    Our dogs like to explore new smells, sounds, images, flavors and textures to feel mentally active. One of the best summer activities for your dog is to enjoy your company to discover a “new world”. It is recommended to take advantage of such a beneficial environment to teach him new tasks, games or tricks.

    Finally, it must be remembered that during the summer it is very important to take certain precautions, to preserve the health of your dog. In addition to increasing its hydration, it is absolutely necessary to apply specific sunscreens for dogs and offer your pet a balanced diet.

    To ensure that our friend can accompany us to a large number of destinations, it is also essential to make sure that his vaccination and deworming booklet is up to date. We may need this documentation when we least expect it.

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