5 Tricks To Clean The Dog Bed

5 tricks to clean your dog's bed

The dog bed is one of your personal items that, no matter how much you wash, always looks dirty. Even if we put it in the washing machine, its hairs seem to stick and become part of it as if we had never intervened. Will there be a way to properly clean the dog bed? Yup. 

There are several tricks that other dog owners have shared that really work. We show them to you in this article. Do you want to know them? 

How to clean your dog’s bed

Even if you wash your dog often, it’s not enough if you don’t wash his bed. Whether it’s a wicker cot with a mat or some other material, both can be washed in the same way.

Separate the pieces of the cot


This is the first step to follow: remove the pillowcases covering the foam. If they told you they can put everything in the washing machine together, they are wrong. The various components of the bed must always be cleaned separately.

It is not difficult to do, almost all dog beds feature zippers or velcro which will facilitate this task.

Use the vacuum cleaner

Unless your dog has hair, it is normal to find full pillow cases. For this reason,  to clean your bed thoroughly, the first thing to do is to remove these hairs. How? The ideal is to use a vacuum cleaner, otherwise you can use an adhesive roller or more than one.

If you don’t even have one of these rollers, take some thick adhesive tape and start sticking some not too big pieces on the bed, to make a “hair removal”; little by little the hairs will disappear.

Remove the stains 

Perhaps the pillow cases have stains that are difficult to remove for several reasons. Before putting them in the washing machine, after removing the hair, it  is necessary to treat this dirt with some products or some alternative method.

Once done, put the pillowcases in the washing machine and use hot water to eliminate any bacteria or germs present in them. It is also important to use a soap that is not too strong, as it could cause allergy to your pet.

You should also avoid fabric softeners. If after cleaning it, you also want the bed to smell good, try sprinkling some perfume. Wait for it to dry before allowing your dog to lie down, otherwise he will start sneezing.

Clean the foam 

You can clean the inside of your dog’s bed with natural methods, or in the washing machine. This second option is valid only if it is not specified that the item should be washed by hand.


If not, you will need to use warm water and a mild detergent in the washing machine. If the foam is falling apart, it likely has a pillowcase that you will need to put tennis balls in to make sure it retains its volume when washed.

If you want to wash it by hand, place the foam rubber in a container with warm water and a little soap. Remember that it absorbs it easily. Then rinse with warm water and leave to dry in a sunny place.

The blankets

If your dog’s bed has blankets, you will need to get rid of the hair in order to clean them. Do it following the same procedure explained for the pillow cases. Then check if there are any stains and, if necessary, remove them; finally, put them in the washing machine. Check if it is possible to wash them with hot water, as they tend to shrink.

This is all you need to do to clean your dog’s bed. Let’s go to sleep?

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