5 Tricks To Wash Your Dog Without Scaring Him

5 tricks to wash your dog without scaring him

When you have to wash the dog  and he understands it, he may run and hide. Each time this behavior gives unpleasant sensations, especially because it suffers by forcing the animal to do something it does not want. If you want to wash your dog without frightening him, take note of these tips which will make this experience much more enjoyable.

How to wash your dog without scaring him?

Bathing is unavoidable for your pets, but there are many things you can do to make it a less traumatic experience. Just know some tricks that we present to you below:

1. Deceive him (for his own good!)

It may seem inappropriate, but acting in a more “subtle” way will allow you to avoid escapes, chases and inevitable back and forth . So it’s best to use a real 007 strategy. If you are living with someone, ask them to take the dog for a walk. While the animal is away, you can prepare everything you need for the bath, without being seen.

This will have been the first step, as the saying goes: eye does not see, heart does not hurt . When he returns from his walk, the dog will be happy to see you, and while you pamper him, you can take him slowly to the bathroom.

Girl washes labrador in the tub with a lot of shampoo

2. Prevent him from escaping

This may seem obvious, but don’t forget to close the bathroom door when you’re both inside or he’ll escape as soon as he can, hiding from one side of the house to the other.

3. Talk to him or sing him a song

It is normal that he may be afraid of the uncomfortable situation you have created and he may even begin to tremble. The best way to calm him down is to talk to him quietly, calmly. Give him peace of mind and confidence, so that he understands that nothing bad will happen to him and that you love him.

You can also sing something to them, as music has been shown to influence the mood of these animals very positively.

4. That the bathroom is pleasant

Well, once you’re in the bathroom and you’ve managed to calm the animal down a bit, it’s time to put it in the bathtub. Do not fill it too much or force it to enter: it is better that it is empty but that the water flows already prepared at a warm temperature.

Regulating the water with the dog in the tub can be a trauma, as if it comes out frozen or hot it will cause a shock to your four-legged friend. Start washing it slowly, starting from the paws, then going up to the rest of the body, while you caress it making it relax.

When using the shampoo, avoid the eyes  and gently massage the area, trying to induce the animal into a state of complete relaxation. Remember that the goal is to make washing as pleasant as possible. To do this, you will need tact, patience and time available.

5. Time for drying

Believe it or not, drying is something dogs loathe. Especially if you do it with a hairdryer. It is best to start with a towel, starting from the head, always gently.

Dog is dried after the bath

Then go down the back, until you get to the legs. Do not be abrupt and do not rub with excessive force or violence.  Do this in circular motions and without exerting too much pressure. It is best to avoid the hair dryer, because it is very noisy and, except in some cases, dogs cannot stand it.

If it’s a sunny day, take it out for a walk and it will dry quickly. Then, when you return home, you can comb it and apply, if necessary, special oils for dogs, perhaps those that improve the hydration and shine of the fur. It will be another way to pamper and caress your friend. Always ask your vet for advice before buying and applying such products.

If you follow these simple and effective tips, you can wash your dog without frightening him. Over time, you will even see that he will be happy to repeat this experience over and over again.

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