6 Things To Know Before Petting A Dog

6 things to know before petting a dog

Petting the dog is normal but, even if he is man’s best friend, many times our intentions can be misunderstood. There are several things we take for granted in living with our dogs. So, today we are going to tell you about the  6 things to know before petting a dog.

1.- Give him caresses that don’t seem like threats

Dogs are very good at interpreting body language, and for this you have to take into account some actions that could be perceived by them as aggression.  Learn to pet your dog without him identifying you as a threat.

For example, don’t catch him off guard, especially when he’s aroused,  or even stroke him by suddenly putting your hand on his head, as he may think you want to hit him, and he will react by becoming fearful or aggressive.

Instead,  you can put  your hand close to his muzzle, and invite him to come towards you. So you will avoid discomfort and jolts.

2.- Never touch a dog that is aggressive

aggressive dog

No matter how well trained he is, if the dog growls, is tense or ready to attack, you must not touch him; no matter if it is your dog, the body language of dogs is very clear, so better keep away and be very careful; this behavior can be a reaction to some wound on the body, to a fracture or internal bleeding, or something that causes pain.

3.- Lean down a little when he’s shy

If, after scolding him, your dog appears shy or frightened, and you want to make peace with him, you can kneel down and wait for him to approach; if the gesture has no effect, and the dog continues to be frightened, avoid looking at him, as your gaze may appear threatening.  Try to call him and bring your hand closer, whispering a few sweet words.   

This is always and only when you know the dog you are dealing with, since otherwise, in this position you will be more vulnerable and it will be difficult to avoid an attack.

4.- Wash yourself

hands before touching your dog

While our dog stays safe in the house, we go everywhere, and many times we come into contact with different substances, which could be harmful to him. There are many diseases that dogs contract through contact, so if you have stroked a dog that had some unrecognizable disease, and when you get home you touch your dog, it is very easy for you to transfer it to him; therefore, it is best to wash your hands as soon as you enter the house, before saying goodbye to your dog. Washing your hands several times a day might seem like an exaggeration, but it will definitely save your friend’s health problems.

5.- Keep in mind what they like

dog on the sand

After spending some time with your dog, you will be able to understand what types of caresses he likes and where he prefers to receive them. So, pay attention to body language, as some dogs like strong strokes, while others shy away from them; still others are happy with the neck and leg massages, others will growl if you approach that area; so always observe if the muscles are relaxed and if the dog wags his tail: in this case, the dog is happy.

6.- Pay attention to the belly

It is customary to think that when a dog gets on his stomach, it is because he is looking for caresses; instead,  this attitude actually means that your dog considers you the boss, the master, and perceives you as a threat, or is afraid and tries to calm you down. Putting on your stomach is a sign of submission, which the dog manifests by showing its most vulnerable area.

However, there are also dogs that appreciate belly strokes. Therefore, take into consideration what is recommended in point 5!

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