6 Tips To Keep Dogs Barking Under Control

6 tips to keep dogs barking under control

Dogs use barking to warn us of danger, to show us their affection or their happiness. However, sometimes it becomes unbearable. In this article we will give you some tips on how to control excessive barking in your pets.

Tips for reducing dog barking


First of all, you need to remember that barking is natural for your dog, as it is his way of communicating, as people have speech. Nevertheless, you, as the pack leader, must control your dog’s barking so that it does not become a torment.

Some breeds bark more than others, but to stay within tolerance, you need to practice some of the following recommendations to prevent your dog from barking incessantly:

1. Correct it

Find a way to get your dog to stop barking when he overdoes it. It can be a glance, a particular word (for example a “no”), or a physical correction, (giving it a light tap with the hand). Once the animal understands that this is the signal to stop barking, it will be easier to reach the goal.

It could also happen that it stops for a moment but then resumes. This happens because his brain continues to be on alert, or continues to sense something that is bothering him. You don’t have to give up on the first try. Remember that with dogs it takes patience and a lot of practice for them to learn a command.

2. Ignore it

If your dog barks to get your attention, you need to act accordingly. This means that if your dog starts barking in front of the refrigerator when it is not time to eat, or if he does so while you are talking on the phone, watching television or having visitors, you need to stop this behavior.

You may be able to do this by ignoring his bark. The most likely thing is that after a few minutes you will get tired and stop. If you “give him a rope”, the dog will understand that by acting in this way he will get what he wants and will continue to do so. 

3. Stay calm

Both you and your pet need to stay calm for the training to pay off. If the barking bothers you and on top of that you get upset, it will be worse. You will not be able to correct your dog’s behavior. Also, you have to consider that animals reflect the energy of their owners.

Therefore, if you are pissed off, they will be too. On the other hand, if you are relaxed but at the same time confident in giving him orders, your dog will sense it and listen to you. Breathe deeply before taking your anger out on him.

4. Claim leadership

You are the pack leader, don’t forget that. If the dog repeatedly barks at an object, a person or during a certain situation, approach him to let him know who is in charge. Stay in control and the pet will understand that he will have nothing to worry about.

Use your body and attitude to build an invisible wall that the dog cannot pass through. The effects of this behavior on the animal will surprise you.

5. Let it vent


Often the barking for dogs is a tool to release all the energy they have accumulated. Who better than you can help them let off steam through games or exercises? Take your dog for a walk every day, if only to go around the block. Throw him the ball to make him look for it and to bring it back. Do everything you can to get all of its energy out.

6. Get advice

There is nothing wrong with consulting a professional to help you educate your dog, especially if you can’t stand his incessant barking anymore. A vet or trainer might be for you. The animal’s misconduct must be corrected as soon as possible.

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