7 Animals That Live In Lakes Not To Be Missed

Lakes and lagoons are reservoirs of fresh water, which can be created by rain or mountains, in summer: they constitute a fundamental habitat for many species.
7 animals that live in lakes not to be missed

Some species of animals live in lakes.  There are specimens that choose this habitat forever, others move here only occasionally. Depending on the time of year or stage of their life.

The lake ecosystem is very diverse, which is why we have decided to introduce you to 7 animals that live in lakes around the world.

What are the animals that live in the lakes?

Lakes and lagoons are reservoirs of fresh water, which can be created by rain or mountains, in the summer.

It is a fundamental habitat for many species, which choose it in delicate phases of their existence, such as, for example, the deposition of eggs.

However, there are many species that live there permanently. And they have characteristics and peculiarities that are worth knowing more closely:

1. Aquatic salamander

Also known as “newt”, it is a flat-headed larval amphibian that feeds on small crustaceans, larvae and water flies. It inhabits the lakes of Canada and the United States.

White salamander walks on the aquatic ground

2. Painted pond turtle

This is also another of the animals that live in the lakes of North America, in this case between the United States and Mexico.

It also chooses wetlands, water wells and rivers with a weak current, or even muddy beds, as a habitat .

Sea turtle out of the water

3. Flamingo

There are three species of flamingos, which populate South America, Africa and Europe ( Chilean , pink and red flamingo ).

Although they prefer salt water, they can also adapt to life in lakes. Either way, they need large areas of shallow water to build their nests and hunt.

Flamingos drink

4. Koi carp

The golden carp ( Cyprinus carpio ) is a freshwater fish that was domesticated a long time ago by man.

Although it is very popular in aquariums, it is still possible to find many specimens living in their natural habitat : lakes and ponds of East Asia.

Koi carp

5. Dragonfly

This insect does not live all the time in lake areas, even if it prefers to live and feed in areas adjacent to lakes and streams.

Indeed, this is the ideal place for spawning. Dragonflies eat flies, mosquitoes and moths, so they are of great importance to humans.

In fact, they are able to moderate the presence of microorganisms and parasites.

Green dragonfly in the middle of a field

6. Duck

Most of the subspecies of this bird, as well as its closest relatives (geese and swans), live in lakes almost all over the world.

Ducks can be of different sizes and colors and feed on insects, fish and shellfish.

Mallard in the water

7. Frog

We close our review dedicated to the animals that live in the lakes with one of the absolute protagonists of this habitat.

The frog spends most of its life in or near water. Depending on the species, it can be more or less large.

Anyway, let’s talk about small size, a few centimeters. These  amphibians live on almost the entire planet, with the exception of desert and polar areas.

Poisonous frog

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