7 Things Cats Hate

7 things cats hate

Self-centered, aloof, spiteful… many things are said about cats, but in reality often their behavior is due to our actions or the situations in which we put them. To avoid misunderstandings, here are 7 things cats hate.

1.- The water

In fact, cats don’t hate water, otherwise they wouldn’t drink it. What really bothers these felines is bathing. This aversion has several explanations:

  • The first is closely related to the origins of cats. They come from desert areas, where contact with water is sporadic, a reason that justifies the lack of confidence with this.  This statement may be correct, and it is demonstrated by the fact that felines in areas where water abounds, such as tigers, spend most of the day immersed in swamps, and swimming is one of their favorite activities.
  • Some cat breeds are much less reluctant to contact with water;  an example is the fishing cat, which even dives in search of a prey, although usually it catches it using only its paws. Many owners educate their cats about water. Therefore, the aversion a cat feels to the bathroom will depend on its upbringing.   
  • A further theory could see in this behavior  an instinctive reaction, which the cat puts in place to avoid getting sick. The respiratory system of cats is very delicate, and bathing could pose a serious risk to their health, especially when they live in the wild.

2.- Being ignored

aggressive cat

Cats are extremely independent animals but, when they get our attention, they demand it right away. Usually, our cat lets us know when he is hungry, when he wants to be cuddled or when he wants us to do something for him  (open a door, bring something close to him that he doesn’t get to). So, if we don’t satisfy him immediately, he will start meowing insistently, turning around and in some cases even biting us.

3.- Certain Odors

Like dogs, cats have a highly developed, though not as sophisticated, sense of smell. Therefore, some scents that seem delicious to us are simply repulsive to them.

This is very useful to us during the educational process, as it allows us to dissuade them from doing something incorrect, such as playing with plants or lying on our bed. Some of these smells are citrus fruits, garlic, the smell of tea and coffee leaves, wormwood, lemongrass and tobacco.

4.- Smoking

Not only cats, but most animals instinctively flee from smoke, as  during evolution they have developed an alarm system that puts them on alert, to avoid being burned or suffocated. Smoking implies the presence of fire, and this could be very dangerous; therefore, their natural instinct leads them to flee in the presence of this substance.

5.- Being too manipulated

Cats don’t like being pampered for too long. Although there are breeds such as the Siamese cat, very close to its owner, most of these cats do not like constant contact, partly because they use contact as a form of domination, therefore, they will allow you to touch them only when they want and for the time they want.

6.- Dogs

two-tone cat eyes

It is not that cats hate dogs, only that being both predators, they tend to be rivals for food and territory. But  a sociable cat will have no problem being surrounded by dogs.

7.- The shrill noises

Sounds such as horns, loud music, screams, or shrill sounds can cause conditions such as stress, nervousness and anxiety in cats.

This is because  cats have a highly developed sense of hearing and are alert to what’s going on around them.  As they are territorial animals, they will perceive a loud noise, especially if it appeared suddenly, as a threat to their territory.

The best way to deal with this problem is to bring kittens closer to noises from an early age, even if it is not easy, little by little they will get used to the fact that noise is part of their habitat.

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