7 Tips For Educating A Dominant Dog

7 tips for educating a dominant dog

There are dogs who, by nature, are obedient and calm. Others, on the other hand, prefer to be resistant to human authority, and are commonly referred to as “dominant dogs”. The latter are characterized by a strong character and a strong personality. A not insignificant problem, which arises when the masters try to carry out any training. Raising a dominant dog isn’t easy at all. However, with patience and attention to detail, the task will become within everyone’s reach.

If you want to train your dominant dog, remember these three concepts: serenity, perseverance and determination. Also, when you decide to adopt a dog, you have to mentally prepare yourself that a problem of this type could arise. Not surprisingly, there are breeds that are extremely dominant and, so to speak, ‘less’ intelligent. For you, this will translate into  extra hours of work to train and train your pet properly.

A dominant dog is perfect if you, too, have a very strong character. Or, otherwise, if it is an experience that you have already had and that you will be able to manage thanks to the experience. Discovering that you have welcomed an independent specimen into your home and that you feel entitled to do whatever he wants, is a risk for the coexistence of both.

How to educate a dominant dog?

Many people, when they adopt a dog, are faced with the inconvenience of an animal with a very strong personality. Dominant dogs try, in all ways, by instinct, to overwhelm the normal hierarchy (which identifies the owner as the ‘pack leader’). In order to train a dominant dog, some rules and useful tips must be taken into account. The educational guidelines must be followed very strictly, step by step. The goal is simple: show your new friend who the real question is  .

How to educate a dominant dog

The animal must understand that it is not he who directs the game, but its master. From the first moment, whether it is a puppy or an already adult specimen, you will have to show decisive ways and establish coherent rules.

There are breeds with a dominant character by nature, such as the Doberman or the Rottweiller. But beware: a ‘normal’ dog, so to speak ‘submissive’, can become dominant if it realizes that its owner has little pulse. For this reason, you must constantly remind your friend of the true and only hierarchical ladder.

Train and educate a dominant dog

Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind for educating a dominant dog :

  • Teach the dog what is good and what is wrong. Since the animal comes home from another context, it is necessary to make it understand the rules of coexistence. Correct any misbehavior, such as getting on the bed or urinating in the house.
  • Don’t let the dog take over some spaces. If you let the animal get on beds, armchairs and chairs, you will strengthen its self-esteem. Your role as pack leader and leadership will diminish, and the animal will think it is the real master.
  • The dog should eat after his owner. It may seem trivial, but it recalls the primordial hierarchy of its social group. In the pack, the dominant dog eats before everyone else. If you have lunch or dinner before your pet, offering him the baby food only after it is finished, you will send him a psychological message that is impossible to misunderstand.
  • Check his run. This is another fundamental aspect. Some owners are afraid to use the leash, with a little moderate force, to control the speed of the dog’s gait. On the contrary: always get him used to walking or running with you, at your own pace, always keeping him a few centimeters before your legs. You come first.
  • Socialization. It is essential that the animal interacts peacefully with others. Get him used to being around people and getting close to other specimens since he was a puppy, giving him security and trust.
  • Training. By taking advantage of the simple basic orders, you can control every situation. The most important are the classics: “sitting”, “lying down”, “kennel”, “catch the ball”, ‘”spring”.
  • Never lose your patience. Sometimes dogs act like children. They need patience and understanding to learn what needs to be done and what not.

    A secret? Teamwork

    Thanks to these 7 simple tips for educating a dominant dog, your four-legged friends will learn to understand their role in the home. It is a job that requires commitment, responsibility and patience. By respecting these three elements, the goal will be achieved quickly.

    7 Useful Tips for Educating a Dominant Dog

    However, leading a pet has other connotations as well. The aim is to make him learn to live and respect people. We are not talking about  creating an iron and violent dictatorship : your credibility as a boss will have to be built with humility and affection.

    Usually, a dog establishes a very strong bond with their human pack leader. This prompts the animal to protect, care for and understand the person’s feelings. The relationship between animals and humans works best when both sides learn to cooperate.

    In short, if you have a dominant dog, there are several ways to solve the problem. Help him improve and you can count on a four-legged friend always ready to dispense affection and protection.

    Main image source: Moments Collector

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