8 Tips For Treating Colds In Dogs

As with people, colds in dogs are not serious. The recovery time will depend on the care offered to the animal.
8 tips for treating colds in dogs

There are great physical differences between people and animals, so in many cases we cannot compare with them. However, in some cases there are similarities, especially if we think about certain behaviors and diseases. For example, dogs’ behavior in the face of a cold is similar to ours.

Colds in dogs have symptoms somewhat similar to distemper virus or infectious bronchitis, known as dog cough. Even so, the causes and treatments for each disease are different. In this article we will give you 8 tips for treating colds in dogs.

Causes of Colds in Dogs

Let’s start with a clarification: if the dog sneezes, it does not mean that he has a cold. It must have certain symptoms that help us recognize it, but a single sneeze cannot possibly confirm a diagnosis of a cold.

A dog can catch a cold when exposed to severe changes in temperature and drafts. This is common when the dog leaves the house in the winter period and does not do what is necessary to keep it dry and clean. Skipping vaccinations can also cause him to catch a cold.

Dog between the blankets.

Cold symptoms in dogs

Symptoms of colds in dogs are as follows:

  • Frequent sneezing accompanied by a runny nose: the dog is trying to expel mucus and pathogens.
  • Severe cough accompanied by vomiting : this is due to an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, which also compromises the digestive system.
  • Loss of appetite and shiny eyes.
  • General malaise : muscle weakness, decreased sleep and fever. The animal’s immune system is focusing solely on fighting the infection.

These symptoms can last from 1 to 2 weeks. In this case, the ideal is to take the dog to the vet for an examination. Cold is harmless, but other diseases with similar symptoms can be life-threatening if not treated in time.

8 tips for treating colds in dogs

Here is a list of 8 tips to keep in mind if your dog catches a cold:

  1. Go to the vet as soon as possible. The cure will consist of balancing the dog’s internal fluids.
  2. In the event that the cold is caused by bacteria, it is essential to go to the vet to administer antibiotics.
  3. A puppy tends to catch a cold more often. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen his immune system with a diet rich in nutrients.
  4. The dog can suffer from diseases that develop a cold. In this case, it is necessary to provide him with vitamins A, C and E.
  5. In winter, the dog is more likely to catch a cold. Therefore, it is important to keep the pet’s temperature balanced with blankets.
  6. Once the dog has contracted the disease, it is necessary to go to the vet to be prescribed expectorants, in order to expel the mucus.
  7. It may seem irrelevant, but pampering your dog helps improve his mood and thus recover from a cold.
  8. Encouraging your dog to eat and drink plenty of water is essential during illness. You will also have to learn to leave him alone, so that he can rest well.

Dog with fever.

Prevention is better than cure

Colds in dogs are quite common, but that doesn’t mean the symptoms are of little consequence. A poorly treated cold can turn into bronchopneumonia, so it must be taken seriously.

The trick is to recognize the symptoms and then take your dog to the vet immediately. It’s the most responsible way to show all the love and respect you have for your best friend.

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