How To Take Care Of The Aquarium When You Go On Vacation

Temperature, lighting, feeding and cleanliness of the water are some of the key factors to consider before leaving fish alone for a considerable period of time. We give you some tips not to neglect the care of the aquarium on vacation.
How to take care of the aquarium when you go on vacation

After a year of hard work, the holidays arrive. When you think you have finished your preparations for the long-awaited trip, you realize an important question: who will take care of your aquarium when you go on vacation?

The solution, of course, is not staying at home. There are several things you can do to set up your aquarium. This way, your fish will be fine and you can relax, as everything will be in order when you return.

Prepare your aquarium for the holiday

Among the main measures to keep your aquarium clean, in addition to the correct temperature, you need to clean the tank by making a partial water change before leaving. This way, your fish will have clean water, which will minimize stress levels in your absence.

This will also prevent a decrease in the water level. If the aquarium is in a cool environment, the water evaporation levels will be low, the water level will be optimal, and the fish will stay healthy.

You will need to clean the aquarium filters or replace them with new ones. If a filter becomes clogged while you are not at home, the system will not function properly.

aquarium care on vacation

Check the quality of the water

Before leaving, you need to check the quality of the water. In this regard, you will need to use suitable tests available on the market. The most used is the pH test to measure the acidity of the water and the nitrate test to measure the level of waste it contains.

By checking the pH, the tank will be cleaner when you return. Plus, with less food waste and less fish waste, the water will be in better condition, even in the summer.

Who will feed the fish?

Usually, fish can go several weeks without eating, which means they can survive while you are away. But this is by no means advisable.

One of the best options for feeding your fish are automatic food dispensers – they are an affordable and adjustable alternative to different types of aquariums.

Just fill the container with the usual food and its operation with batteries will take care of regulating the right amount of food.

When choosing food, everything will depend on the type of fish you have in the aquarium. Fish can be herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Each of them requires a specific diet.

What will your fish eat?

Herbivorous fish consume vegetables and plants. If they eat seaweed and dried vegetables, the vending machine is ideal. In case the food consists of fresh vegetables and plants, the vending machine will be a great help when you are on vacation.

aquarium on vacation

For carnivorous fish, which require live food, you will need to ask a friend, neighbor or relative to feed your fish during your absence.

If your fish are omnivores, food blocks might work very well. These are mineral blocks that are slowly diluted in your aquarium water over time. The vending machine is also suitable.

Caring for the aquarium with salt water

To care for your saltwater aquarium while on vacation, it is essential to check that the lid fits snugly. This will not only prevent the fish from jumping, but will also reduce the evaporation process of the water, which will prevent the salinity from rising.

The lighting of the aquarium

A very frequent doubt is: should the aquarium light be left on or off? There are light timers for aquariums, with which the fish tank turns on and off at the specified time.

Ideally, the fish should be exposed to 10-12 hours of lighting per day. The right light also favors aquarium plants, whether they are freshwater plants or saltwater corals. Before leaving, check the lighting timer.

Invite a friend to take a look at your fish

If your vacation lasts longer than three weeks, you may want to invite a friend, relative or neighbor to check the condition of the aquarium in your absence. Show him the tricks to take care of your fish and inform him about the daily needs of the aquarium.


Before leaving, always check the temperature of the aquarium, as it should not exceed 29ºC. Also check that there are no signs of water leaks around the tank and don’t forget to check the air pumps.

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