Why Can’t Dogs Be Given Marijuana?

Why can't dogs be given marijuana?

It may seem strange to you, but many pet owners have this doubt. For this, we want to give them some advice about it. Giving your dog marijuana can have very serious health consequences. Read this article to find out more.

Marijuana can be fatal for dogs

marijuana effetti sul cane

Author: Christine and David Schmitt

Any substance, if fed to your dog in excessive quantities, can lead to the death of the animal. Sometimes we don’t pay attention to what our little friend ingests on the street or at home, resulting in very serious food poisoning.


In the case of marijuana, be aware that consumption by your pet can be fatal. Side effects in puppies are due to D-9 tetrahydrocannabinol. It is the main substance found in drugs and can cause psychotropic effects.


For the dog to risk his life, he only needs to consume 3 grams of


 for every kilo of weight

. For example, if he weighs 8 kilos and ingests 24 grams, you will need to take him urgently to the vet to detoxify him.

Dogs are much more susceptible to the effects of drugs than us humans, due to their lower weight. If your dog ingests a small amount of marijuana by mistake, the intoxication may go away within a couple of hours. While he is recovering, leave him in a quiet, open-air place with a bowl of water at his disposal. If you spend two hours the animal does not get up and continues to appear groggy, do not wait any longer and take him to the vet.

Effects of marijuana on dogs

We can say with certainty that this drug causes more harm in dogs than in humans. The problem will not be hallucinations, unless they lead him to behave strangely or to attack those around him.

The puppy’s motor ability will be severely impaired in a short time. The dopamine hormone, being in a situation of imbalance, will not be able to be segregated in the right doses. For this reason the dog is likely to remain stationary in the same position, unable to move or even less to move.



After taking marijuana, your dog will be more aggressive and clumsy than usual. He will not be able to coordinate his movements, he will hit walls, he will drop objects. Furthermore, he will disobey any rules imposed by his master.


Other effects of marijuana on dogs

The most serious effects that the dog could suffer from cannabis use are lack of coordination, falls, depression or euphoria (the two can occur alternately). Also, moaning and barking for no apparent reason, due to hallucinations. Finally, digestive problems typical of intoxication: vomiting, diarrhea and increased salivation.


If your pet finds himself in one of these situations, avoid any gesture that may upset him, such as playing music, making noise, trying to play … his behavior could in fact be totally unpredictable. In other words, he will behave the opposite of how he is used to behaving. You will not be able to tell if he will try to attack, bite or scratch you once under the effects of marijuana.


While it is true that the effects of cannabis may last just a few hours, it is the owners’ responsibility to prevent it from happening again.

When you take him to the vet, don’t lie or hide information – just tell him that he has ingested marijuana without you wanting to, and try to be as precise as possible about the quantities. In this way the doctor will know how to act accordingly.

Marijuana as a medicine for dogs

Having said that the drug is not good for dogs, it is good to specify that there are also many cases of dogs treated with marijuana for the reduction of degenerative, chronic or incurable diseases, such as some forms of cancer.


In addition, it is also used to stimulate appetite, relieve joint pain if the animal is suffering from arthritis, or as a natural analgesic against cancer. But always pay close attention, as to be used for medicinal purposes you will first need to speak to a specialist veterinarian for a complete treatment.


Your doctor will be able to advise you on the right doses of marijuana. And he will be able to supervise your dog to determine if it is really benefiting his health.

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