Poisoning In Dogs

Poisoning in dogs

In recent years the cases of poisoning in dogs due to the ingestion of substances found in our homes and which are harmless to us have increased. Some of the most dangerous poisons for our pets are foods or medicines we take on a daily basis. Here are some tips for keeping your little friends healthy.

Medicines that are hazardous to dog health

Symptoms of pet poisoning can be: gastrointestinal or neurological problems, heart and respiratory failure, coma and even death. There are hundreds of prescription drugs that are useful for us or even save our lives, but which in our dogs have the opposite effect.

The most common drugs for us but harmful to dogs are anti-inflammatories and pain relievers. In pets, this type of drug can cause stomach ulcer, intestinal or kidney failure. Other medicines that can harm the dog’s health are those we use to control blood pressure and antidepressants. The latter can induce vomiting and in severe cases cause serotonin syndrome, a dangerous condition that leads to fever, increased heart rate, blood pressure or even seizures.

Chemical products

Anti flea and anti tick products. Every year thousands of animals poison themselves from accidentally ingesting them. For this reason, in your home, be careful not to leave them within their reach, exactly as is done for children.

Household cleaning products. Like insecticides, cleaning products are a major cause of pet poisoning. A dog that has ingested any of these substances usually exhibits breathing difficulties or stomach pain.

Antifreeze, paint solvents and pool chemicals. These substances can also poison a dog. Symptoms of poisoning include: stomach problems, depression and chemical burns.

Harmful foods for your dog

dog -food

Certain foods and drinks, which are completely harmless to humans, can be dangerous for dogs, in some cases lethal. Chocolate is one of them. The products based on this goodness contain substances called methylxanthines which in an animal can cause vomiting and if ingested in large quantities can be fatal. Dark chocolates contain a large amount of methylxanthines. In small dogs, even 15 grams of chocolate can be fatal.

Coffee and caffeine also contain chemicals that are dangerous for dogs. The same goes for alcohol. Symptoms of alcohol intoxication are similar to those experienced by people: vomiting, difficulty in breathing, coma, and in some cases severe death.

Avocado may seem healthy for dogs, but instead it contains a substance called persin which acts as a poison in the animal, causing vomiting and diarrhea.

Also , remove grapes and raisins from the dog’s reach , which could lead to kidney failure.

Xylitol is also dangerous for our pets. This sweetener is found in many products, such as sugar-free candies. If ingested, it causes a rapid drop in sugar in the dog’s blood, causing convulsions and liver failure in severe cases.



Some plants can be poisonous to dogs. Among these, azaleas and rhododendrons. These beautifully colored flowers contain some toxins that can induce vomiting, diarrhea, coma and even be deadly.

If you have planted tulips and daffodils in your garden, be careful. The bulbs of these flowers can lead to serious stomach problems, seizures and increased heart rhythm in your dog.

What to do in case of poisoning?

If you suspect your dog has poisoned himself, try to stay calm first. It is important to act quickly, but also in a lucid manner. If your dog has been vomiting, collect a sample. Try to reassure the animal and call the vet immediately.

Above all remember: the best way to reduce the possibility of your dog poisoning is to prevent it from coming into contact with dangerous substances.

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