A Dog Saves His Friend From Being Run Over

A dog saves his friend from being run over

No one can question the courage of dogs, as they are willing to save us in dangerous situations.

If you don’t believe it, here is the story of a dog who has shown his friend that he is always there, ready to save him from harm.

The Savior Dog

This incredible event happened one afternoon in a city in Eastern Europe. Two dogs were quietly walking along a road when a vehicle came dangerously in their path, causing an instinctive reaction from one of the dogs, which saved the life of the other animal.

According to what some locals have said, these two stray dogs are inseparable friends, they are always together  and walk from place to place, or they play chase cars and look for food in the garbage.

On the day of the accident, the two comrades were calm. One of the two had a leg injury, so he could neither walk properly nor react quickly in the face of danger.

The tranquility gave way to a great fear when, during one of their regular walks, the latter decided to cross the road without noticing the arrival of a car at great speed.

The other dog, noticing the situation, decided to grab his friend by the tail, pulling him with all his  strength away from the range of the vehicle, which passed him a few centimeters away.

The vision of the passenger

As we know, no story can be considered complete if the version of events of all those who were involved in it is not disclosed.

Inside the car,  one of the passengers was quietly recording his journey  when, suddenly, he saw a dog in the middle of the road, while another pulled him away to save him.

Other cases

It is no secret that these animals are true heroes. They will always do everything in their power to help or save someone facing imminent danger, so this isn’t the only known case of a dog saving the lives of other living beings.

Another similar and well-known fact happened in the United States, where a beautiful Border Collie rescued a little girl from a truck that was about to hit her, sacrificing himself for her and pushing her away, which cost her severe leg fractures.

The child rescued from a dog


Another very famous case that allows us to affirm that the dog, in addition to being man’s best friend, is the noblest being that exists, happened in Brazil. A woman abandoned her son, whom she had given birth to a few hours earlier, in the garbage can.

Fortunately, a dog was in the area and managed to smell the baby, quickly headed to the site to find it, still with the umbilical cord attached.

Barking but receiving no response from anyone,  the little four-legged friend decided to take the baby and take him to the nearest house, in search of help.

When the inhabitants saw the child, they immediately took him to the hospital, where he was adequately treated and recovered.

As you can see, dogs will always be willing to help anyone in a dangerous situation. Many of us should learn from this.

Source of the main image: elcomercio.pe

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