How To Choose The First Reptile To Keep At Home?

How to choose the first reptile to keep at home?

Despite what many people think, a  reptile is a fairly easy pet to keep. Of course, reptiles aren’t as common as dogs or cats, and some varieties of lizards, snakes, or iguanas may require special care. If you don’t know how to choose the first reptile to take home, here is a series of information and advice that will be right for you.

Tips for choosing the first reptile to take home

All reptiles need basic care and attention to be able to live well in a home. Caring for one of these animals can be more difficult than other more common mammals or pets. Such as dogs, cats, but also small birds or rodents.

There are some reptile species that are easier to manage  and this needs to be taken into consideration before bringing the animal home. Some require simple maintenance and some sacrifice of space for coexistence, being ideal specimens for beginners. But there are others that require more experience and advanced knowledge from those who will have to monitor and follow them, every day.

Another important factor to consider are the physical elements that are required to keep the reptile chosen for captivity. Depending on the species, the investment for the terrarium and feeding can vary and even become very expensive.

Environment, food and other factors

In addition to having the basic elements and enough space, many additional elements are often required to keep a reptile healthy and happy. A plastic box or a terrarium is not enough  . You may need lighting or heating systems which, of course, are priced and weigh on your quarterly bill.

Food can also represent an increase in expenses. Having a reptile that eats leaves or plants as a pet is not the same as one that feeds on live animals.

If there are children at home, you will also need to consider that, being the first reptile they have around, they will be greatly attracted to it and will do their utmost to touch and play with it, especially without your knowledge.

In any case, when choosing the first reptile to adopt, we strongly advise you to go to a specialized shop. It is important that the seller really understands the topic and takes the time to advise you, not only to sell at all costs, but above all to help you make the best decision.

Logically, the choice depends on many factors. This also includes the age of the owner, the space available, the budget and the time you have the opportunity to dedicate to your new friend.

What are the best reptiles for newbies?

1. Gecko

The most recommended species for beginners in the reptile field is that of geckos. They are small lizards, very docile and easy to manage. There are several sizes, but most measure only a few centimeters.

Gecko on a rock

A gecko does not need too much space, it feeds on insects and does not require excessive care –  a simple terrarium and a little water will be enough.

2. Iguana

One of the favorite and best-selling reptiles in stores is the green iguana. Although it can be very attractive, it is necessary to know that this is an animal that, over time, increases in size. At the time of purchase, a young specimen can measure between 20 and 50 centimeters. In adulthood, the same animal could even reach two meters in length.

Green reptile iguana

To keep an iguana indoors, you need to set up a terrarium that has sufficient height to place a log for the reptile to climb. In addition,  the temperature and humidity must always be controlled.

Iguanas eat insects, fruits, vegetables and leaves; when they are young they need more food than when they become adults, and it is necessary to feed them three times a week.

If the iguana undergoes a change in color, or its skin loses its brightness, it can be a sign of a health problem. In this case, the intervention of a veterinarian specialized in this type of exotic animals will be necessary.

3. Chameleons and turtles

The chameleon is also great as a first reptile to keep at home and its basic care is similar to that of the iguana. However, they are very stressed animals. If you are looking for a pet to pet or hold often, you will need to choose another reptile.

Red-eared turtle sunbathes

If what you are looking for is a turtle, it is worth knowing that there are different types. Each obviously has different needs in terms of care. If you love simple things and don’t want to complicate your life too much, we definitely recommend the red eared turtles which are very cheap and many easy to keep around the house.

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