Don’t Buy, Adopt: That’s Why

Don't buy, adopt: that's why

When it comes to living beings, the word “buy” sounds out of place, since the sensations that an animal is able to transmit and make us live can certainly not be bought with money.

It is true that, unfortunately, to get hold of a purebred dog it is almost always necessary to go to specialized shops;  however, there are also beautiful dogs that can be adopted and welcomed by giving them all the love they need. Remember, therefore: do not adopt, buy.

So let’s take a look at the logical reasons why you should adopt rather than buy. If you don’t believe our advice, know that it is based on well-founded reasons; to discover them, we invite you to continue reading the article.

Don’t buy, adopt. Why not buy?

sad puppy

There are things that cannot be achieved with money. But the important reasons are not limited to this. It is good to highlight, for example, the treatment reserved for specimens for sale in shops, far from the levels of assistance that would be up to these creatures.

Cruel treatment

Dogs that can be purchased in stores are born in the breeding farms. A  first demonstration of inhumanity is linked to the treatment intended for pregnant bitches and the mothers of the puppies that will then be purchased: they are bred for the sole purpose of giving birth to the highest number of puppies.  Since the revenues are greater the more puppies are born, the operators of the breeding ensure that the little dogs get pregnant over and over again; deformed puppies or little dogs that are no longer able to give birth are killed.

But that is not all. The puppies that do not correspond to certain “quality criteria” are quietly killed or abandoned, while those of better appearance are transported for long distances on board of trucks, in unhealthy conditions. In fact, during the journey, more than half of the dogs often die. Can you imagine it?

Due to the treatment received,  store-bought puppies often have psychological disturbances related to the trauma they experienced, and as a result, they are more likely to develop negative behavior. For this reason we reiterate our advice: do not buy, adopt.

Don’t buy, adopt. Why not buy?

The number of cases in which dogs are abandoned by their owners or breeders continues to increase, as well as the number of dogs escaping from kennels. Typically, this is an attempt by owners to get rid of large dogs, or abused animals that have felt the need to flee.

I remember one occasion when from my car I saw a beautiful black and white dog, popped out of nowhere, preparing to chase a car that had just come out of a service station. That’s right, the custom of ditching “what is no longer needed” at gas stations still exists. A boy who worked as a gas station took him home.

What you will get in return

lady caresses dog

What I want to make you understand is that there are many other dogs that need a place of tranquility and peace. What they ask is simply to be loved, as well as, of course, to be able to love without limits. A dog, in fact, will give you much more than you can give him. His feelings are pure, devoid of evil, and the love and affection they have to offer are unmatched.

Reflect on the fact that by adopting a dog in need, you will have the opportunity to teach the whole world a lesson: for a dog to be beautiful, it does not necessarily have to be purebred. Plus, helping a helpless dog will be a great display of kindness and selflessness.

Animals respond to love with love. For this reason, by adopting a specimen that has a history of suffering and offering him all the attention and assistance he deserves, your new friend will be willing to do whatever it takes to fill you with love and affection, as a demonstration of his gratitude.

In addition, you will gain something more: you will have won his loyalty and friendship for life, as well as the satisfaction of having moved a grain of sand to make this world a better place. Don’t buy, adopt.

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