A Rottweiler Saves A Chihuaua From A Coyote

A Rottweiler saves a Chihuaua from a coyote

Non-dog savvy people, when they hear about Rottweilers, immediately think about violence and aggression. 

The fact that these dogs are often employed in fights has caused their bad reputation and many mistakenly believe that they are aggressive dogs, born to kill. But it’s true?  

The Rottweiler doesn’t deserve to be associated with a ferocious breed. 

Let’s get to know this breed better before telling today’s story, which sees one of these dogs as the protagonist.


Do you agree?

The character of the Rottweiler


While the myths surrounding his aggression are unsubstantiated, it is undeniable that his appearance invites caution, and can even be intimidating. But don’t be fooled by appearances: this splendid dog hides totally opposite qualities within him.

The character of the Rottweiler is calm and calm. It is a noble, independent and very protective dog, qualities that it possesses instinctively.

He does not like strangers, but if he is socialized properly, this aspect is easily correctable. They are highly intelligent, as well as being one of the easiest breeds to train. Your Rottweiler will be the dog you want him to be.  Its protective instinct makes it the ideal company even for the little ones.  His penchant for training has led to many choosing him as their fighting dog, which has generated his bad reputation. The story that we will tell you below will show you that the ferocity of the Rottweiler is just an urban legend, and that beyond this bad reputation, its protective character emerges.

The Rottweiler Savior

We don’t know where the Chihuahua came from, and neither does the Rottweiler. The story began when a Chihuahua ran across a street with little traffic. It is not known where he headed or even where he came from.

After a few seconds, a coyote appeared out of nowhere, and began chasing the unfortunate Chihuahua, just as if it were a rabbit to hunt.

The Chihuahua, despite running for safety, was not successful. His short paws prevented him from running any more than he was doing and the coyote caught up with him quickly. The coyote bit the Chihuahua: but what was his intention? Do coyotes devour dogs? We do not know … but a little later the guardian angel of the little dog appeared.

A mighty Rottweiler appeared out of nowhere and boldly launched himself at the coyote, forcing him to let go, and thus saving the life of the Chihuahua.

The Rottweiler didn’t stop there. He wanted justice, and he began to chase the coyote to exhaustion. The story ends here. A happy ending thanks to a brave Rottweiler who saved a tiny Chihuahua from the coyote’s fangs. 

The hypotheses about history

chihuahua white and brown

  • Some argue that the Chihuahua was running away from the Rottweiler and that this had fought against the coyote to defend its “prey”
  • Others say that the Chihuahua and the Rottweiler lived in the same house, so the Rottweiler would have run to the aid of his “brother”.
  • Still others claim that it was an instinctive act of the Rottweiler, deriving from its strong protective character.

    We prefer the latter two hypotheses, since there are many stories of R ottweilers who risked their life to save another, human or another dog. “Bravo little!”.

    It is yet another episode that shows us that we humans still have a lot to learn from animals.

    While we kill each other for money and even for pleasure, animals respect and care for each other, without expecting anything in return.

    Do you still think that people are better than animals?

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