Abandoned Dog Food Dispensers

Abandoned dog food dispensers

Although there are many cases of dogs who are dedicated to saving lives, sometimes it is people who have to take action to help these animals. A concrete example is ComeDog, a food distribution service for abandoned dogs that has now taken on a much deeper meaning and value.

The ComeDog project was born in Colombia with the aim of improving the quality of life of stray dogs, although in addition to feeding the dogs, the project pushes for the sterilization, adoption and relocation of thousands of specimens.

Each food distribution point has the capacity to feed between 30 and 40 dogs, as well as having the characteristic of being able to be transported to serve the different points of the city.

The project, conceived by Juan Manuel Montoya Pardo, a zootechnician interested in the animal cause, has revolutionized the way of helping animals conceived so far in just a few months.

Currently there are about 300 distributors located in 80 municipalities in Colombia, with more than 3,000 patrons and millions of interested parties who contact Juan Manuel and his organization every day.


What are the objectives of ComeDog

The nice thing about this project is that it works to restore dignity to animals forced to live on the street, trying to find them a home or at least improving their chances of finding food, as well as the quality of their life.

One of the main concerns of the people who designed ComeDog was also to reduce the overpopulation of stray dogs and cats, as well as the phenomenon of indiscriminate reproduction.

Aware that the underlying problem lies in the irresponsible behavior of those who can no longer take care of their dog, through  these food distributors we are trying to generate a feeling of compassion within the community, carrying out awareness campaigns on responsible animal ownership. pet.

At the same time, the project works thanks to a group of people interested in helping stray dogs by funding canteens from their own pockets.

How ComeDog works

It is good to understand how the project does not limit itself to wanting to feed the dogs, but goes much further. In addition to promoting their well-being, ComeDog’s goal is to find a solution to the problem of uncontrolled reproduction of these animals.

For this reason, those who decide to support the cause and sponsor an animal must make a series of commitments aimed at improving the quality of life of the dog, such as:

  • Each patron is responsible for the sterilization of dogs who regularly visit his food dispenser.
  • Each advocate must carry out campaigns that push for the adoption of those dogs.
  • It must also develop, within the limits of its abilities, campaigns – both physical and through social networks – that aim to sensitize the community about the importance of not abandoning dogs, trying to help those who live on the streets.

Although canteens are primarily centered on dogs, support is also provided to other species in the same conditions, such as cats.


Author: Fernando Dall’Acqua

Who can become an advocate?

Anyone interested in the project can join it. However, she will have to make a commitment to keep the ComeDog with enough water and food to supply it, as well as take on all other project related responsibilities.

At the same time he will have to make a payment of 165 thousand Colombian pesos (approximately 60 US dollars), money with which he will finance the manufacture and dispatch of the distributor.

Given the great outcome of the project, a strong interest has arisen in many other American countries such as Peru, Guatemala, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and the United States, demonstrating the presence of a large number of people eager to participate in a project that gives a living. to the souls of animals and their angels.

It is interesting to observe how this type of proposals have an ever greater weight, and how it is increasingly easy to find people willing to help animals, regardless of any costs or any extra efforts and sacrifices that must be made.


Image courtesy of Juanedc.

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