All About Pekingese

All about the Pekingese

The Pekingese is one of the oldest dogs in existence. It is an intelligent, courageous and still considered royal animal.

The Pekingese is an ancient pet breed, originating from China, as its name suggests. Its history sees appearances in the imperial court of Beijing. Its origins are said to trace back to the cross between the pal (a pet dog of the Chinese emperors) and the Lasa terrier. It is also known as the ” lion dog ” due to its abundant and long fur and was so important to the imperial family that, in the event that someone was caught red-handed stealing a specimen, they would be punished with the death penalty.

These little snub-nosed dogs have long been considered  sacred dogs and an integral part of the Asian courts. Their somewhat reserved, independent and sometimes a little arrogant character suggests that, even today, this breed feels a little above all others.

The characteristics of the Pekingese


The Pekingese is a good guardian. While not barking too much, it will still make some sound immediately when it senses the presence of strangers. This breed loves apartment comfort, but also needs to be taken for rides often. So he will exercise, run and jump, keeping his muscle tone active.

The Pekingese looks a bit like a lion, with an always alert expression and an intelligent gaze. It is very small, although well proportioned and sturdy for its size. It possesses a great dignity and lordship. Regarding his IQ, the Pekingese occupies the 73rd place in the ranking of Dr. Stanley Coren, concerning  the intelligence of dogs.

This dog can measure up to 25 cm in length and weigh around 5 kg. Females, contrary to what happens with other breeds, are somewhat larger and heavier than males. It is a small but sturdy dog ​​and its head is quite large in relation to the rest of the body.

It has very black round eyes, the muzzle is slightly wrinkled and flattened. The long coat is dense and a great host for parasites and other unsightly insects, so it needs a lot of special attention, including to prevent knots and hairballs from forming near the skin.

Pekingese can be of many colors, all of which are recognized as the general standard of the breed. Their tail is also covered in hair and, like the head, it is quite long compared to the rest of the body, although its curled shape makes it appear shorter than it actually is.

The character of the Pekingese

pekingese tattoo

It is a very confident dog , alert and courageous, but also very affectionate. He does not think twice about asserting himself if he notices any strangers in his territory and will not be afraid to attack even dogs that are two, three or four times his size: he does not care if they are German shepherds, Saint Bernard or Great Danes, that is its territory.

The Pekingese is also a very independent dog. He does not like excessive pampering, even if some caresses will certainly not bother him. With strangers he often shows indifferent, however, showing his master a pure and unconditional love.

You should know that, although the Pekingese is not very inclined to develop hereditary canine diseases, the following are the most common in this breed:

  • Winged shoulder blades

  • Stenotic nostrils

  • Patellar luxation

  • Distichiasis

  • Trichiasis

  • Dermatitis

  • Eye injuries

  • Respiratory problems

  • Back injuries

It should also not be forgotten that, since it is a dog that does not need to practice a lot of physical activity, its diet must be balanced, to prevent obesity problems. In the same way you will have to be very careful and take care of his hair minutely, which must be combed and brushed constantly, so that it does not get tangled.

Even though the Pekingese is a very independent and not overly active dog, don’t think they love being alone. In fact, he doesn’t like loneliness at all  and should never be left alone for long periods of time.

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