All About The Korat, The Cat Originally From Thailand

All about the Korat, the cat originally from Thailand

Elegant, with hind legs longer than the front ones, elongated muzzle and heart-shaped head. This is the Korat, a small Thai cat that belongs to the blue-furred cat breed . He is very intelligent, affectionate and loves to play. We have decided to introduce you to this beautiful animal, in some ways still little known in the West.

Korat, the cat of good luck

Its name derives from a province of ancient Siam, now a Thai territory. In the locality of Cao Nguyen Khorat these blue-colored domestic cats were abundant before the 14th century. The first manuscripts that speak of the extraordinary beauty of this cat belong to this period .

Despite the great appreciation and popularity in Thailand and other Asian countries, the Korat has only recently arrived in the West. It arrived in the United States in 1959 and in Europe more than a decade later.

Also known as Si-Sawat or Cat of Fortune , this beautiful feline is a completely natural breed . This means that the hand of man did not intervene in its creation.

a fine specimen of sitting korat

An elegant silver-blue cat

This beautiful cat breed, with soft and harmonious lines and medium size, has the following physical characteristics:

  • Body muscular and elastic, with the arched back.
  • Wide and flat forehead.
  • Eyes separated, round and wide open. Bright and very expressive, they can be green or amber, more pronounced than the size of the face.
  • Large, erect, slightly rounded ears and a broad base.
  • Tail of medium length. It is thicker at the base and has a rounded tip.
  • Semi-long and fine coat, with a single layer and without fluff. It has a shiny appearance and a uniform silver blue color, without spots or shades.

In addition, it is a cat that climbs with great ease and hardly smells. The weight varies between 3 and 4 and a half kilos. At the withers, the height ranges from 20 to 35 centimeters. Females are somewhat thinner and smaller than males.

Behavior and personality of the Korat

Affectionate and calm, this cat lives without problems inside a house. It is very sensitive to noise and quick, abrupt movements. So much so that, despite being very affectionate, especially with his master, with strangers and children, he can be a bit wary. Moreover, he does not always get along with his peers.

korat thai cat lying down

It is a very playful and communicative animal and its meow is sweet and pleasant. And if he wants something, he will always find a way to make himself understood. Gifted with great cunning and intelligence, he loves to have fun finding hidden objects.

How to take care of the Korat cat?

Thanks to its short fur, of a really beautiful and unique color, this cat does not need too much care. It sheds little hair  and only a brushing every now and then will be enough to remove hair and dead cells. For the rest, as with any pet, adequate nutrition and veterinary care in terms of vaccination and deworming are required.

From a medical point of view, the Korat is a very healthy and long-lived breed, with a life expectancy of around 16 years. The only genetic disease that can affect this animal is quite rare. It is called  gangliosidosis  and, in order to diagnose it, it is necessary to have a thorough blood test performed. It is a strange disease that causes neuromuscular problems and usually appears in animals less than 4 months of age. In the case of a healthy carrier specimen, you will not have to worry about a thing.

In short, once again we have presented you with a really interesting cat breed. If you are thinking of welcoming a new cat into your home, the Korat will surely  soon become your best four-legged friend. Elegant, playful and intelligent, it will keep you company for many years.

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