Animal Abuse And Legal Consequences

Animal abuse laws have evolved and adapted to new times and concepts. How are they in reality?
Animal abuse and legal consequences

The concept of animal abuse encompasses all forms of physical or emotional abuse, as well as neglect and disinterest in the basic needs of a domestic or wild animal. That is, any action or context that produces pain or suffering for the animal in question.

Abuse does not always express itself through direct physical violence, such as blows or confinement. For example, if an owner fails to provide his pet with water, food and hygiene, condemning him to unhealthy living conditions, this is also a form of violence.

Likewise, exploiting an animal’s physical strength by forcing it to work beyond its physical capabilities is considered abuse. Or, training an animal for illegal fighting.

To summarize, it can be said that the following conditions are characterized as animal mistreatment :

  • Failure to supply food in the right quantity and quality, as well as clean water suitable for consumption.
  • Keeping the animal in unhealthy conditions, without providing adequate hygiene in its environment.
  • Forcing the animal to work continuously for several hours without breaks or when it is not in a position to do so.
  • Exercising physical violence using or not using tools that cause pain, such as belts, whips, etc.
  • Experience the physical strength of the animal by forcing it to pull carts, carry excess weights or participate in illegal fights.
  • Forcing or stimulating the animal with drugs and chemicals.
  • Abandonment.

Legal consequences of animal abuse

Each country can have its own legislation on sanctions for animal abuse. Theoretically, the offender could be punished with imprisonment from 15 days to one year, depending on the country. In Italy, article 544 of the criminal code provides for a sentence of between three and eighteen months of imprisonment for those who abuse animals.

However, in practice, it is difficult for a person to serve a prison sentence for a complaint of animal abuse. Most offenders end up paying fines or performing alternative community service, especially if they are cleansed or have never been reported.

Unfortunately, many legislations still do not recognize animal rights. Its scope extends to the protection of the welfare and integrity of animals, but does not grant them specific rights.

How to report animal abuse.

How to report animal abuse?

The next step after identifying an animal abuse case is to formalize the report. Although the legal consequences of this crime are not proportional to the damage caused to the victims, the complaint allows to free the animal from enormous suffering and to offer it a better quality of life.

When making a report, it is essential to remain calm in order to be able to clearly and objectively express the situations of abuse that you have witnessed.

Furthermore, even if the operator receiving the report does not seem interested in the case, it is important not to renounce the report. Unfortunately, there is still a great lack of sensitivity and empathy when it comes to animal abuse.

If possible, it is always best to report in person.  In addition, it would be better to accompany your statement with photos, videos and testimonies that prove the aggression against the animal. This will offer greater seriousness and reliability to your relationship, and will incite the authorities to act quickly to stop the abuse.

It is also advisable to collect as much data as possible about the attacker, such as name and address; this will facilitate the action of the authorities. For example, in Italy it is possible to file a complaint in person at a police office, a Carabinieri station or directly at a court.

Telephone report of animal abuse.

After completing the declaration, it is always advisable to request a written copy of the complaint. This proves that the abuse has been reported.

Is it possible to report animal abuse over the telephone?

Animal abuse can also be reported by telephone. This applies in the event that the person cannot contact a public body to make the complaint.

Each country usually allocates a specific number for reporting on animals, both domestic and wild. With an internet search it shouldn’t be difficult to find the right number for your place of residence.

Reporting of mistreatment and abandonment of animals by telephone in Italy

  • National toll-free number: 800-253608
  • Command of the Carabinieri for environmental protection: [email protected]

Also remember to be as specific and objective as possible when reporting animal abuse over the phone, so as not to give rise to misinterpretation. In these cases it is recommended to at least inform the address where the abuse takes place and some references to facilitate the recognition of the aggressor.

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