Animals Playing Dangerous Sports

Dogs and owners who try these disciplines have a very high level of mutual trust and certainly do not neglect safety measures.
Animals that play dangerous sports

What do you think of pets that play dangerous sports? We have already talked about the fact that our best friends can come with us to hotels, restaurants, campsites, hostels and shops.

There are also many sports that can be practiced with them. Today we will talk about pets who play dangerous sports . Would you like to try yours?

Animals that play dangerous sports

Are you passionate about sports at risk? Do you know that your pet can accompany you? Let’s look at some of these risky sports and what your pet needs to play them.


The dog does not need to be experienced. If you aren’t, that won’t be a problem. The important thing is to follow the instructions of the professionals who will accompany you to the letter.

In order for your pet to accompany you on this aerial adventure, it is necessary that they are in optimal health and of course not suffer from vertigo.

This could be an unforgettable experience for both of you, but remember to take precautions and always follow the advice of the professionals.


Another aerial adventure not suitable for dogs and animals with dizziness. The dog, or another pet, should have a team that ensures its safety.

You already know that when you play dangerous sports you have to sign a document in which you ensure you do it of your own free will and which exempts the organizing company from any possible injury.

When engaging in this or any other risky activity with your pet, this document must have an attachment in which you take responsibility for it and for any incidents that may occur. The document will also be extended to your pet.


Climbing is another of the dangerous sports that many pets can practice with you. The most important thing in this case is that the animal has excellent stamina and a lot of agility.

If your dog is overweight, this sport may not be ideal for him, and depending on the size of the dog, it may be difficult for him to climb.

Climbing with the dog among dangerous sports


Parkour is an activity centered on the motor system of the person or, in this case, the animal. It is a risky sport that takes place in elevated areas and requires great skill and technique, something that seems impossible for a pet.

However, there are several videos that show the agility of many dogs. If you are a fan of this sport and take your pet with you, it is very likely that it imitates your movements.


While it seems almost impossible, surfing is another extreme sport that your pet can do with you as long as you have the right equipment for him and that you are close to him to intervene in an emergency.

Surfing with dogs

In all these sports it is essential that there is a special bond between pet and owner and, of course, a very high level of trust, because the dog must remain calm at all times.

Other sports to practice with your pet

If you are not that adventurous, or even if you are but do not have the courage to be accompanied by your pet, there are many other sports that you can practice with him. We list some of them:

  • Stroke. Dogs have to go out, run and let off steam. If you run regularly, whether in the park, on the promenade or anywhere else, don’t hesitate to bring your pet with you.
  • Bicycle. Having your dog by your side while cycling will be an experience that will strengthen your bond.
  • Agility. If you prefer a more professional sport, start this sport with your dog: maybe you can even let him participate in a competition!
  • Swimming. At the sea or in the pool, swimming for your pet is a healthy and complete sport, to be shared together.
  • Frisbee . Trying to grab the Frisbee you throw at him and return it will seem trivial, but it will be an incredible experience for your dog, as well as great exercise.

There are many activities you can do with your pet. Even if you don’t want to take risks with a dangerous sport, remember that your best friend will surprise you. What are you waiting for?

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