Are Dogs Capable Of Feeling Love?

Can Dogs Feel Love?

Anyone who owns or has had a dog knows it:  dogs feel love. Moreover, they do it in a pure and selfless way.

However, many claim that it is just rumors. Others claim  that it is a characteristic that the animal presents after millennia of domestication. At best, it’s a learned behavior, which dogs make sure they keep.

Much more than love

One thing is certain is that, until recently, many of dogs’ good feelings, their goodwill and dedication to their owners, were overrated.

Scientists claim that  there are no genuine emotions related to dogs’ loving behavior.

Studies and research begin

However, with the birth of ethology in the twentieth century (a discipline that studies animal behavior), the subject was studied in depth.

The results, however, were not fully accepted. Dogs have been shown to have love. And also that they express feelings such as sadness and happiness. Furthermore, they are perfectly capable of identifying these emotions in their fellow men. Logically, even in humans.

The brain activity of these animals is not limited to simple responses to positive or negative stimuli.

What is most surprising is the fact that  the process of processing emotions, in general, is as complex as that of people.

Oxytocin: “the love hormone”

One of the most important discoveries:  dogs (and cats) produce oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for activating a series of neuronal circuits associated with pleasant sensations, including the act of loving.

The incidence of this chemical substance in the brain, both that of people and that of animals, is also decisive for the creation of an emotional bond between mother and child.

In domestic dogs,  this hormone has a strong influence on the lovable and sociable character  that most of these animals possess. And also on the trust they have in their masters.

Dogs feel love, but only for those who deserve it

Other discoveries made by ethologists, neurobiologists and other specialists  is that the ability of dogs to feel love is optional.

That is, there are more affectionate specimens than others. But that doesn’t mean that displays of affection apply to everyone.

The owners who use violence to educate their animals, or those who mistreat them, cause fear and terror in them, certainly not love.

Family and herd: the same thing

Although there are exceptions,  most family groups that adopt a dog consider him to be a full member of the family. In some cases, the animal in question has more privileges than other people who are part of it.

Dogs worship their owners alike. It is their pack, their family. For this,  emotional bonds are created.

Claiming that there are dogs capable of sacrificing their lives to protect that of their loved ones is much more than a rhetorical phrase.

Dogs feel love: but also joy, sadness and jealousy

Ethologists try to determine the feelings of these companion animals. What’s beyond love and affection?

After years of research, it has been discovered that  dogs are capable of rejoicing and saddening themselves, based on the stimuli they receive from their surroundings. Likewise, they are able to identify these moods in people.

When someone around them is visibly distressed, their natural instincts lead them to give their support and help. And this also applies to people unknown to them.

The opposite effect can be generated by laughter. If the people around them are cheerful, the dogs also seem to smile.

And, as happens in humans, if there’s one feeling that dogs can’t hide, it’s jealousy.

How do dogs express love?

Many dogs are really eloquent in expressing their state of being in love. The most obvious signs are the frantic movements of the tail when greeting your loved one. Other typical demonstrations are: tireless licking of hands and face, as well as constant invitations to play with them.

If any family member is sick, the dog will not move away from him for a moment. 

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