Birth Control In Dogs

The fundamental objective to overcome the problem of uncontrolled reproduction is to defeat the abandonment of dogs; to do this there are various procedures, the best known of which is sterilization.
Birth control in dogs

The number of stray dogs on our streets is increasing more and more. This ever-increasing problem can be reduced by implementing birth control techniques in dogs.

This type of procedure must first of all start with the owners of the dogs themselves, for example with sterilization – a practice not only recommended to reduce the uncontrolled reproduction of these animals, but also to preserve their good health. Today we are talking about birth control  in dogs.

Why is birth control in dogs important?

The control of the birth rate of dogs is one of the most important measures to be able to reduce the uncontrolled reproduction of these living beings in our streets.

The main objective is to eliminate the phenomenon of the abandonment of these noble animals, or at least reduce it to a minimum. Neutering is also beneficial for the health and longevity of dogs.

To get to a good management of the number of dogs we live with, a series of combined strategies will have to be put into practice. In addition to neutering, it is necessary to raise awareness and educate people in all aspects of having a dog.

Dogs in kennels

Among the various measures that can be implemented, the creation of a register for the identification of dogs would first of all be recommended; It is also effective to promote rules for responsible dog ownership through education and legislative support.

Strategies for better control of the birth rate in dogs


Neutering is undoubtedly the most effective strategy to control the birth rate in dogs. Making it when the dog is still a puppy not only avoids a possible unwanted pregnancy and the consequent abandonment of the puppies, but also guarantees better health for the animal.

It is recommended to carry out this practice around 12 months of life, and in the case of larger species within 18 months. Sterilization is done through a very simple surgery and with very short recovery times.

Among the benefits of sterilization we find the reduction of aggression levels, the prevention of breast cancer and ovarian cysts, the prevention of prostate problems and, among other things, also the extension of life expectancy.

Raising awareness of responsible animal ownership

Unfortunately, it happens that some owners abandon their pet to its fate when they are bored. Very often, people take a dog to play and to have some company: when they realize the responsibilities it entails, they end up abandoning it.

The phenomenon of abandonment of animals, more often than dogs, is unfortunately constantly increasing. This is why it is essential to carry out campaigns to raise awareness on the responsible possession of pets.

Woman plays with dogs in kennel

For a positive upbringing, it is necessary to clearly inform about the responsibilities that come with having a dog. For example, the cycle of vaccinations to be kept up to date, the elimination of parasites, basic veterinary checks and everything related to the care of daily hygiene.

Promote the adoption of street dogs

Another solution is to promote the adoption of stray dogs. Adoption and neutering are the ideal combination to quickly reduce the abandoned dog population. Also in this case, it is essential that the owner knows the responsibilities that his choice entails.

Dog registry

It is also important to register the dog and use methods for its identification. In this way, if the animal gets lost, it will be much easier to trace it back to the owner and return it to him.

When it comes to registering dogs, it is possible to resort to temporal or definitive identification; in the first case you can opt for collars and medals. Among the definitive methods, you can choose between tattoos, microchips or others.

Chemical sterilization or contraceptives

It is also possible to resort to less invasive methods, such as chemical sterilization or methods for controlling conception. One of the most used techniques is the isolation of females who are in heat. However, it should be noted that these methods do not contribute to improving the health of dogs.

Dog birth control is a necessary measure to drastically and permanently reduce the stray dog ​​population. As we have seen, it is important to carry out sterilization days as well as campaigns to raise awareness on responsible ownership and adoption of abandoned dogs.

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