Broccoli In The Dog’s Diet

Broccoli in the dog's diet

We all want to give our animals the best, but many times we don’t know what they can eat and what not. It is therefore necessary to know that there are “human” foods that we can also give to animals. Like broccoli for example. Here’s how to include them in the dog’s diet to feed him properly.

Broccoli: yes or no in the dog’s diet?

Author: Demo

Today we are invaded by “junk” food. And this food, in one way or another, also reaches our animals. Without necessarily making your dog vegetarian, you can make some more natural choices for his diet. Remember that not all vegetables are good for animals, although they are excellent for people.

In the case of broccoli, it has the advantage of being nutritious and suitable for all family members (including animals). These vegetables can be added to your dog’s food or used as a treat. They contain many vitamins (A, C and K) as well as fiber and manganese.

To be able to give them to the dog, it is essential that they are cooked, steamed or boiled. Keep in mind that although broccoli is very rich in nutrients, you cannot give it to your dog in excessive quantities, as abuse can cause gas or stomach pain.

The good news is that broccoli, like any other member of the “cruciferous” family (Brussels sprouts, cabbage, savoy cabbage, etc.) contain phytochemicals that can prevent certain diseases in dogs.

These have been shown to act as anticarcinogens and anti-aging. We recommend that you add them in limited doses to your dog’s diet, to promote both stomach and bladder health.

What other vegetables can a dog eat?

Veterinarians are asked this question on a daily basis. This is due to the fact that more and more pet owners want their four-legged friends to eat healthier. You have to keep in mind that there are certain vegetables that are allowed for dogs and others that are prohibited. In the group of beneficial vegetables (such as broccoli) we find:

1. Carrots

You can give them cut or grated, mixed with food, or in raw strips as a treat. Carrot provides a good dose of vitamin A, antioxidants and carotene. All of these nutrients keep your dog healthy and protect him from disease. Some theories claim that this vegetable can improve dogs’ eyesight. It’s a healthy alternative to the cookies or snacks you give him as a treat.

2. Asparagus

They are a great source of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E and K, as well as folic acid, fiber, iron, manganese and potassium. You can boil them and cut them into small pieces, and then mix them with normal food, or you can cook them on the grill and give them whole, as a reward.

3. Cucumbers

Dogs can eat cucumbers and many love them. Cut them into slices or cubes and let them drain well to mitigate the bitterness. Cucumbers have many benefits for dogs. For example, they improve intestinal health, provide vitamins B and C and reduce blood pressure thanks to their potassium content.

4. Spinach

These nutritionally important vegetables are beneficial for your dog. Rich in iron, calcium and beta-carotene, spinach can be added to dog food boiled or steamed and cut into small pieces. They are perfect for puppies as they promote bone health and growth.

5. Pumpkin

This orange colored vegetable contains many nutrients, especially carotene. If your dog suffers from constipation, we recommend adding pumpkin to his daily diet. It is simply boiled or baked and then served as a puree or in pieces.

6. Celery

Thinly sliced ​​celery stalks added to your dog’s diet can help if he has bone problems and arthritis or osteoarthritis (especially older pets). This vegetable provides potassium and fiber and is an excellent diuretic that promotes urinary and kidney health.

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