Can An Ultrasound Be Done On A Bitch?

Can an ultrasound be done on a bitch?

Your dog is pregnant. You didn’t expect it, but you heard the news with joy. You have begun to give her special care, as she deserves, and are willing to do everything to make her pregnancy a success. As the weeks go by, you would like to know how many puppies she is expecting and if all is well. Can a dog be given an ultrasound?

What is an ultrasound?

Ultrasound is a diagnostic investigation system carried out through the use of ultrasound and which allows you to create two-dimensional or three-dimensional images, allowing you to see what is happening inside the body. It can be used to observe the muscles or, in this case, the unborn fetuses.

Ultrasound waves are transmitted inside the organism, which produces an echo when received.

It is a very simple procedure, which does not imply any kind of danger for the mother or for the puppies. However, studies have shown that subjecting a fetus to too many ultrasound scans could cause minor damage.   

This diagnostic system is not only used for fetuses and pregnancies, but also in the case of muscle strains or other types of problems.

Dog pregnancy ultrasound

If you have the impression that your dog is pregnant but you are not entirely sure, an ultrasound will solve all your doubts. Remember that it will always be done at an accredited center.

The first ultrasound can be done approximately 20 days after mounting to find out if it has been a success. The more days you decide to wait, the more chance you will have that the results are certain. To get the most out of an ultrasound, make sure your dog arrives with a full bladder. So calculate the time when your pet does his business, and make an appointment just before that time.

The second ultrasound will have to be done between 50 and 60 days later. At this point you will already know the number of puppies and their position. Also, you will find out if they are all in good health.

Keep in mind that ultrasound scans don’t always guarantee exact results. Some doctors recommend carrying out one in the last stages of gestation – in this case the test could have serious consequences on pregnancy, so it is normally only performed when the doctor recommends it to ensure the safety of delivery.

The cost of a canine ultrasound varies between 40 and 60 euros, an affordable price that allows everyone to find out if their pet’s pregnancy is going as it should.

How to know if your dog is pregnant

As already specified, the first ultrasound can be performed approximately 20 days after the mounting to find out if this has been successful. If for economic reasons you cannot afford to make one, know that there are some symptoms that will reveal to you if your dog is pregnant and you are about to become a grandparent.

  • Appetite. When the female is pregnant, her appetite decreases, and she often eats only small amounts of food. Consult your vet to be sure.
  • Swollen breasts. If you notice any changes in your pet’s body, such as swollen udders, you can be pretty sure your dog is pregnant.
  • Changes in attitude. If your bitch was a naughty girl, lively and always on the go, but lately she seems dull and without strength, it is very likely that she is pregnant.
  • Belly size. This is an unequivocal symptom: if the belly swells visibly, it means that something is growing inside it.
  • If the animal makes the “nest”. When a bitch becomes pregnant, she will immediately look for the perfect place to give birth to her puppies. You may therefore see her scratching some parts of the floor, a blanket or even her bed in an attempt to create a more comfortable space for her puppies.

Whether it is with an ultrasound or just by observing it, you can quickly find out if your dog is pregnant and doing well. Always remember that a pregnant animal requires special attention that you cannot omit.

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