Can Dogs Do Yoga?

After each session, it is important that the pet drinks enough water. Although it doesn’t seem like it, yoga is a sport in all respects.
Can Dogs Do Yoga?

Activities that dogs and owners can do together are a good opportunity to strengthen their bond. Especially if they also allow you to move your body and relax. In this article we will talk about the so-called doga, or yoga for dogs.

As you can well imagine, the stave (a term coined from “dog yoga”) consists of normal yoga lessons which you can participate in in the company of your four-legged friend.

The idea came to a yoga student, who hated having to part with his dog when he went to class.

Those who practice the “stave” compare this activity with yoga done with children.

That is, both the owner and the pet benefit from the practice of yoga.

While there is still some skepticism about this joint participation, it is a booming business around the world, which has become very popular with artists and celebrities.

Is it true that animals can do yoga?

There are animals that are naturally very flexible, as in the case of cats.

In yoga, positions are practiced, often lengthened, which animals already perform by themselves, by nature. And this is exactly what can be a positive factor for your pet.

a little yellow dog sitting on a mistress doing yoga

In the case of dogs, they are known to love being involved in their owners’ typical day.

They are social animals and do not like to spend too much time alone. Participating and being close to the pack leader will certainly have a very positive effect on their mood.

The same thing happens with yoga. The “stave” exploits the animal’s interest to include it in the owner’s routine. It consists of a session directed by the teacher where both share some positions of this discipline.

In addition, breathing and stretching techniques are applied that will benefit your physique.

How are yoga classes for dogs held?

The “stave” sessions depend on the disposition of the animal. They can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, and there are even professionals who prefer to do multiple sessions per day.

It is advisable to choose a quiet space to make slats, even if in reality the dogs just need to be close to their owner.

Obviously, the lower the distraction factor, the greater the concentration of both.

The way in which the animal is approached to this practice should be gradual. The first attempts must be more like a game than respecting commands and positions.

An initiation method designed especially for beginners will be used.

First, call your dog to sit next to you in the yoga class and start patting him affectionately on the back.

Then, we will start with the first simple  stretching or lengthening exercises .

You should never force the dog to do the different yoga figures, as it could harm the animal.

Therefore, the exercises must be light and always carried out with extreme delicacy.

Depending on the breed, some animals are more flexible than others and will be able to perform the exercises with more or less ease.

Benefits of the ‘doga’, yoga for dogs

Specialists assure that by doing yoga, dogs will receive the same benefits as people. In fact , yoga is known to promote relaxation, reducing anxiety and stress. 

It improves circulation, corrects posture and helps fight insomnia. Another important benefit is that it decreases the effects associated with depression and phobias.

Also, thanks to stretching techniques , animals will learn to stretch their muscles. This can prevent contractures from appearing.

In short, many advantages that will affect your dogs both physically and mentally.

Certainly the element that, once again, we want to emphasize is the strengthening of the relationship between owner and dog.

Yoga will make the bond between human and animal even stronger, establishing a new system of connection between the two practitioners.

Little dog lying on a yoga mat

Some recommendations

As with any discipline, before starting the stave, we advise you to make a check-up visit to the vet. The doctor will be able to evaluate the physical condition of the animal, verifying that it is able to carry out this activity.

In the first initiation classes, it is important that you are guided by a yoga teacher who is experienced in the subject.

If you do not have the opportunity to move to a ‘stave’ center, on the Internet you will find several videos with some exercises to be done comfortably at home.

It should be noted that these sessions also offer advice for handling your pet during the lesson. They use techniques to relax him and encourage him to participate.

Once you are familiar with the plank by learning a sufficient number of techniques, you can create customized training plans.

The ideal is to choose positions that the dog likes. In short, those in which he feels most at ease.

After each session, it is important that the pet drinks enough water. Although it doesn’t seem like it, yoga is a sport in all respects.

Your body and that of the dog are under strain and it will be necessary to replenish the lost fluids. Also for this reason, we remind you that it is better to wash it when it has stopped sweating.

Finally, as soon as you notice that the animal is in pain or shows discomfort, we advise you to rush to the vet immediately.

As we have seen, there are many benefits deriving from the practice of the stave. But, as in all sports and physical activities, accidents and injuries are the order of the day.

It is therefore better to ask for the intervention of the specialist, who will check for any injuries to muscles or joints.

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