Can I Go Camping With My Dog?

Dogs can share the camping adventure with their owners; however, factors such as vaccinations, safety and food need to be considered.
Can I go camping with my dog?

When planning holidays and owning pets, the choice of destination or type of trip takes their needs into account. Some nature lovers wonder if you can go camping with your dog.

This article explains why this is a good idea and how to turn your vacation into an unforgettable experience. Go  camping with your dog!

Camping with your dog: a great adventure

If you are choosing the destination for your next summer holidays and you don’t know who to entrust your dog to, the best idea is to take it with you!

Of course, to go camping with your dog you will have to take into consideration some important aspects, which we illustrate in this article.

1. Vaccinations

Avoid any health problems due to a lack of antibodies. Before leaving for a trip, it is a good idea to take the dog to the vet to make sure that it has had all the vaccines and to assess the possible need for a reinforcement dose based on the chosen destination.

2. First aid kit

Those who go camping with their dog several times a year typically prepare a first aid kit for the animal similar to the one they prepare for people. You can assemble a separate kit to avoid confusion and use gauze, bandages, alcohol, etc. specific for your four-legged friend.

3. Security measures

Whether you pitch your tent in a national park or in the woods (where this is allowed), your dog must always wear a collar and leash. In some countries the microchip is mandatory but, if you go to a place where it is not, you can always use a medal or tie a piece of paper with your number to the collar in case the animal gets lost.

Keep in mind that the dog will be in an unfamiliar place, where it will be exposed to unknown and different sounds, animals or situations than what it is used to.

There are many reasons why it may get scared, drift away and not be able to reach you anymore.

dog in tent

4. Protect the dog from insects and plants

If you are unfamiliar with a certain type of plant, don’t let your dog chew or play with it.  Pay particular attention to fungi that grow at the foot of trees – they can be poisonous to dogs.

Also, keep in mind that mosquitoes and other insects not only bite humans, but dogs too! Pay close attention to flies, as they can lay their eggs in animal wounds.

5. Bring the food he is used to

Another fundamental aspect of going camping with your dog concerns nutrition.

Making him change his environment, making him travel by car for hours, making him walk in unknown places are all stressors. Therefore, it is essential not to change its diet.

Bring with you the feed or food he is used to and, if possible, his bowls as well: this will help him feel more comfortable. And don’t forget to give him clean water! Avoid letting him drink in puddles or streams to prevent potential stomach problems.

6. Sleeping in the same tent

First, keep in mind that in the woods or and other places where camping is practiced, the temperature at night is lower than in the city.

Therefore, the dog must be well sheltered after dark. We advise you to put on him a coat or a brightly colored jacket to be able to see him in the dark.

girl camping with dog

Also, at bedtime it will be good to keep him by your side! The natural environments in which camping is practiced are dark, there can be potential risks and the dog could be easily frightened.

In addition, depending on where you are, it may be attacked by wild animals such as bears, wolves or wild cats, such as the Andean cat.

If you prefer that the dog does not sleep right next to you, you can buy a tent with several separate “rooms” or assign one to your four-legged friend.

Do not forget to arrange its kennel and make sure that the animal is as comfortable as possible.

If this is your first time camping with your dog, it may be a good idea to choose regulated and guarded sites, perhaps near some tourist attraction or city, rather than going into the woods.

On the way back, give the dog a nice bath and take him to the vet for a check-up. Then you can start planning your next adventure together!

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