Cats, An Excellent Therapy For Autism

Cats, an excellent therapy for autism

In recent years, animals have become essential in the treatment of various diseases. This is due to the fact that their beneficial effect has been shown on patients of all ages. For example, cats are very useful as a therapy for autism. And more and more families are choosing to rely on them to improve the living conditions of their loved ones.

About 2% of children are born with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD); it is a neurological disease that affects social skills. Aspects related to emotional interaction, from communication to planning, which do not develop properly.

Autism implies a social isolation of the person who suffers it. In other cases, there is an interest in relationships, but the social ways to do it are not recognized. Or the sufferer fails to structure conversations and relationships based on emotional reciprocity.

The importance of cats in the treatment of autism

One of the characteristics of cats is precisely their inner connection. They are calm, balanced and reserved animals. Precisely these conditions make them ideal in autism therapies. They are unobtrusive companions, and that is what an autistic child needs.

The inclusion of cats in autism therapy has been shown to increase confidence and strengthen emotional expressions. Autistic children begin to develop their communication mechanisms thanks to these pets.

Cats make their presence felt, and their affection, but without pressure. They accept caresses when they want them, but they are not eager  to receive them at all times. By doing so, they turn out to be special friends who can convey very positive feelings, in a balanced way. Children relax and unconditional love for their pet allows them to move forward and progress.

It almost seems that autistic children feel identified with cats. They behave similarly to them. They can spend hours watching something and in absolute silence. They only act when it is necessary to do so. The difference, if anything, must be sought at the level of relationships. And by seeing their cat act, they can feel confident that they can too.

Examples of cats in autism therapy

There are two stories of autistic children whose families discovered the benefit of cats by accident. Until then, they had tried several treatments without noticing any noticeable progress. And the difficulties of living with an autistic child can become a real nightmare.

Sometimes they didn’t know how to deal with certain reactions. The times of bathing, sleep, travel or imposed limits were completely staggered and unpredictable. The lack of visual connection, phobias and other problems prevented a normal coexistence.

a gray cat on a girl's lap

But, one day, a cat entered their lives, giving birth to a therapy that is as natural as it is effective. It all happened suddenly, without any planning. And the benefits obtained suggested that this was the way forward for all families with a child with  autism spectrum disorder.

Over time, little Richard began to form  a special bond with his feline. When the child wants, he talks to us and plays with him. Other times, the cat simply stays by his side in silence. One day, Richard said to his father this sentence: “ Cats are like me ”, in a very convinced and happy way.

Cats and autism: another success story

Thula is a cat who has become the best friend of Iris, an artist with autism. This syndrome was diagnosed when she was only two years old. He lives with his parents, who tried everything against autism. They even did dog therapy, but this alternative did not produce the expected results.

Since Thula entered Iris’s life, the improvements have been evident. The girl’s great fears have now disappeared. Now she can take a dip in the pool, travel by car with her cat on her lap. When she is a victim of insomnia, the cat approaches her and helps her to recover her calm. And in moments of artistic inspiration, the cat is his faithful companion. They both sit in the park to paint in a silence that no longer hurts .

The lives of these families have changed dramatically. Cats are an excellent therapy for autism and are able to give a new and unexpected life to those who suffer from it. With the help of felines, many children today have begun to develop their communication and emotional expression skills. For the happiness of their families.

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