Characteristics And Morphology Of Marmoset Monkeys

The marmoset monkey is a monogamous primate with clear hierarchical and territorial habits that uses different types of vocalizations to communicate.
Characteristics and morphology of marmoset monkeys

This species is known for its small size and its ability to climb trees without any problems. The marmoset monkey belongs to a large family of American or New World primates. Let’s find out the characteristics and morphology of marmoset monkeys together in this article.

Characteristics and morphology

The term “marmoset monkey” groups all the species of the Callicebus and Pitheciidae families , as well as the genera Callithrix (the best known), Leontopithecus , Saguinus and Callimico .

They all live in America and the most famous is the white-plume marmoset monkey ( Callithrix jacchus ), a species endemic to the forests of Brazil, which lives near two very important rivers such as the Sao Francisco and the Paranaiba.

Marmoset monkeys are very small: they measure between 18 and 25 centimeters and weigh about 400 grams. These monkeys have a tail that is longer than the body, measuring around 35 centimeters, and two large tufts of white hair on either side of the head. Their coat is gray, black and brown in different shades.

He is a monogamous monkey, so he only chooses one partner for life. It lives in groups of about 20 specimens, with clear hierarchical and territorial habits in a territory that is usually around six hectares.

In its natural habitat, the marmoset monkey shares trees and food with the black-plume marmoset monkey (scientific name callithrixpenicillata) , whose body is black with white markings on both the face and back. They look a lot alike, because this monkey also has a long tail and ‘tousled’ locks of hair on the sides of its head.

Callicebus monkey
Within the Leontopithecus family we find the leontocebes or lion monkeys, so called because they have a kind of mane around the face. These monkeys also live in Brazil, weigh less than a kilo and measure around 30 centimeters.

These monkeys live in large family groups and couples care for the cubs together : the mother breastfeeds them every few hours and the father carries them on his back from tree to tree. From the age of five months, monkeys stop feeding on their mother’s milk and, as soon as they are one year old, they become independent from their parents.

To communicate with each other, these primates use different sounds. They make sounds synchronously in the morning to announce their presence to the other “neighbors” and, during the day, announce various “news” with different tones of voice.

Marmoset monkey diet

What do marmoset monkeys eat?

Although their diet depends on where they live, the truth is that most marmoset monkeys eat similarly. It is an omnivorous species that eats both plants and small animals.

For example, leontocebes or lion monkeys use their claws to dig tree bark and track down insects, lizards, and small snakes. In addition, they supplement their diet with fruit.

The other marmoset monkeys live in the forests and mountains of South America. They feed mainly on fruits, stems, and leaves, but eventually also eat insects, spiders, small vertebrates, and even bird eggs.

In addition, they can feed on arthropods (mantises, spoons, moths), mushrooms, bamboos, berries, tree sap, flower nectar, and small vertebrates (frogs, lizards or toads).

The teeth of marmoset monkeys are able to remove the bark of trees and consume both the sap and the water that settles on the trunks. The long, sharp claws allow them to drill holes or catch insects in the branches.

Marmoset monkeys are known around the world for their small size, rogue snout and expression, and long tail. These primates also appear in many films. Unfortunately, in some countries they are “used” in circuses and other animal shows.

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