Characteristics Of Race Horses

Characteristics of racehorses

A racehorse doesn’t just stand out for the speed and flexibility of its long legs. These animals possess a number of important skills that have been perfected throughout history with sports training. In this article we will show you what the main qualities of the two racehorse breeds par excellence must be.

Characteristics of race horses: Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse

Thoroughbred horses

Although all equine breeds participating in competitions are purebreds, this breed has earned its name due to the excellence of its qualities. Thoroughbred horses were historically used as runners, but have evolved optimally to perform hunting duties as well.

Physical qualities of the thoroughbred breed

A typical thoroughbred can measure, at the withers, between 1.50 and 1.80 cm in height. Its physical structure has been perfected to guarantee the best endurance and speed performance during competition. Its line is wide and straight, with a deep and sloping back and well developed muscles.

The extremities are strong and elongated, while the neck is muscular and prominent. Its head has a fine shape and two well separated eyes, which give this horse an excellent field of vision.

The colors of its fur are mostly shades of bright brown, but there are also vinegar, bay, brown and beige shades . Their legs usually resemble the nuances of the muzzle and the underside may show white markings, but they are uncommon on the rest of the body.

a jockey in the saddle during a gallop race

The selection and breeding of a thoroughbred depends on its purpose or the type of race or show in which it will compete. If we are talking about short races – up to one mile – the ideal is to prefer the so-called “sprinters”, explosive and very muscular horses. In the case of races with greater distance, larger horses with long legs are used.

Historically successful specimens in sport are usually medium-sized and athletic, such as Man or War and Secretariat champions , both with a height of 1.67 cm. However, big winners like War Admiral and Seabiscuit , 1.55cm and 1.57cm respectively, proved that talent can beat simple physical setup. The most famous thoroughbred and who has won the most trotting races in history is the Italian  Varenne .

Emotional qualities and character of a thoroughbred

Thoroughbred excellence for racing is due not only to its physical configuration, but also to its emotional qualities. These horses have a warm and nervous temperament, which allows for explosive behavior at the start of a race. Like most equines, they are constantly attentive to their environment and are very courageous.

The qualities of a thoroughbred also require experience and dedication from the jockey. An explosive horse in the wrong hands is a danger, but with proper training it becomes unstoppable. Like any professionally trained animal, thoroughbreds need consistency in their upbringing and clear goals in order to be properly stimulated.

Quarter Horse horses

Also this  American breed, developed  for the quarter mile race (hence the name “Quarter”)  possesses truly amazing and unique qualities. Because they vary in height, they are considered the most versatile racehorses. They can be used in sports such as polo and horse riding, but also as pets for pet therapy and so on …

quarter horse runs in the countryside

Physical qualities of the Quarter Horse

These beautiful animals can be 1.40 to 1.65 cm tall at the withers , although the optimal height is between 1.50 and 1.55 cm. It is a medium-sized equine and very light despite the well developed musculature. The chest is broad and has a large perimeter, with considerable muscle mass, mainly in the extensor fibers.

Its back is short, strong and with sturdy ribs well full, arched and deep. The head is short, with two large and well separated eyes, which allow it to have a straight and thin profile. As for the coat, the Quarter Horse can have different shades, except the piebald (typical of the Paint horse, always American) and the albino.

Emotional qualities and character of the Quarter Horse

Quarter Horses are as alert and sensitive as thoroughbreds. However, their temperament tends to be more docile and balanced, which facilitates their breeding and training. In fact, because they are intelligent and sociable, they tend to learn very easily from their jockey.

Although they have inherited the hot and explosive blood of their wild ancestors, crossing with horses of milder blood has made  their temper more tame. They are practically the result obtained from the union of the best  mustangs with the English thoroughbreds, selected in the 1800s by cowboys.

Their emotional qualities mirror their physical structure. Strong and hardworking, they never lose their elegance with a harmonious and graceful walk. But when well stimulated, their energy and strength make them racehorses impossible to beat.

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