Choosing Dog Food Based On Size And Breed

Choose dog food based on size and breed

Every pet needs a suitable diet, which allows them to respond to their specific needs. Precisely for this reason, it is important for you to learn how to choose dog food based on size and breed. In this article we will give you a series of tips so that you can feed your four-legged friend in the most appropriate way possible.

Choose the best dog food for yours

When it comes to food, it’s not the same as having a small dog or a medium or large dog. In addition to the different quantities of feed that everyone needs, we must also take into account their nutritional needs , which obviously vary according to the size of the animal:

1. Small dogs

Smaller breeds, even if it doesn’t appear, have higher energy needs than older ones, as their metabolism is faster. Furthermore, it should be remembered that their stomach, being smaller, cannot accumulate excessive amounts of food.

The diet for a small dog should consist of high energy and nutrient feeds. As well as the structure of the food, which must be such as to be easily chewed and digested.

Yorkshire puppy with bowl with kibble

2. Medium-sized dogs

In this group we can include well-known types of dogs, such as most shepherd dogs, as well as the Beagle or even the American Cocker Spaniel, which can present some health problems related to the lack of nutritional properties in feed. It could be said that medium-sized dogs are “halfway” between the needs of small and large. In any case, no danger: contact your trusted veterinarian. He will be able to show you, without problems, a specific diet.

3. Large dogs

While it is true that they eat in larger quantities, larger breeds such as the Newfoundland, German Shepherd or Bullmastiff are usually less active than their cousins ​​mentioned in point 1 . In this sense, they have a greater tendency to gain weight, and this can cause them bone problems related to an unbalanced diet. Precisely for this reason, it is very important to offer them specific foods, with less fat in adulthood.

Different dog food for each breed

In addition to the size of the animals, there are other issues that you owners need to consider when feeding: the type of breed is one of them. It is not the same thing to have a Molosser or a dog with an elongated muzzle, just as there are strong peculiarities in the short-haired specimens, compared to those with a much thicker coat.

The good news is that there is dog food for every breed, size and age at pet stores, as well as at the vet. Commercial brands have expanded their product ranges to meet the needs of a world  with an interesting variety of pets.

The feed was produced with an approach that is close to the specific nutritional needs of the animals, as they facilitate good nutrition and prevent the appearance of certain diseases. Some dog feeding options by breed are:

1. Bulldog

As with other brachycephalic dogs , the bulldog usually regurgitates food because his windpipe is too short and his jaws don’t close properly. When it is not possible to chew the food well, it is necessary to give the animal a special gruel, of adequate size and triangular shape.

2. German Shepherd

One of the main problems of this breed is the weakness of the bones, especially those of the hip, when they reach a certain age. They also suffer from various diseases related to their joints. The feed must contain calcium and other nutrients that strengthen their bone system.

3. Border collie

In this case it is an animal with a delicate stomach, prone to vomiting, discomfort and pain after feeding. If you have a Border Collie or plan to adopt one, we recommend that you choose only the best quality dog ​​food possible, with the ideal percentage of protein and fiber to balance its very delicate intestinal flora.

two little dogs eating on the lawn

4. Chihuahua

This little dog has a “delicate palate”, since it does not accept any type of food. But don’t worry: you will easily find special meals, developed especially for this type of dog. These are foods with aromas and flavors that satisfy him, small in size to be easily consumed by his small mouth.

5. Saint Bernard

It is one of the largest dog breeds in existence, can weigh up to 45 pounds and needs a feed that offers not only proteins and vitamins, but also minerals and amino acids (such as L-carnitine). In this way, he will feel more alive and full of energy, his bones will be kept strong and the possible appearance of some diseases typical of the breed will be prevented.

We have seen how important nutrition is for your four-legged friend. Don’t be superficial when it comes to buying the right food for your dog. With the information we have just given you, we are sure that you can easily choose the best food for your pet!

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