Curiosities About Elephants, Tender Pachyderms

These mammals can even spend 16 hours eating, in fact they are able to ingest an average of 220 kilos of food per day, which is not surprising considering that they weigh around seven tons. In this article you will find this and other interesting facts about elephants.
Curiosities about elephants, cute pachyderms

Elephants, despite being huge animals, transmit tenderness and do not scare us at all. We know they are quiet and adorable, which makes them one of our favorite pets. Would you like to find out some interesting facts about elephants? We tell you about them in this article!

Some interesting facts about elephants

The ears

Did you know that elephants use their ears to regulate their body temperature? Having a slow metabolism and a large volume, it is difficult for elephants to keep a little cold; they live in very hot climates and their ears help them with this.

African elephants also use their ears against threats. They are larger than other species, which is why they move them sharply to scare off their predators.

They always move in groups

You will never see an elephant alone, because these animals live, walk, migrate and eat in groups. In fact, newborn puppies are surrounded by the larger ones to be protected. If the mother were to die, any other member of the group would take charge of the cub.

They sleep standing up

Adult elephants always sleep standing up. It is a way to protect yourself from predators; if they were caught lying down, they would run the risk of being devoured in an attempt to lift their great weight.

The puppies, however, sleep on the ground, but always surrounded by adults.

They love mud, elephant trivia

Although in many reports, photos and magazines, we have seen elephants immerse themselves in rivers and lakes, they often love to enter mud as well, because it is cold and, moreover, it eliminates parasites.

Their weight

The African elephant is the largest known species of pachyderms and can reach seven tons. Imagine coming face to face with one of these animals? Although that indicated represents their standard weight, the case of an elephant weighing an impressive 11 tons has been recorded

Divided groups

When the male elephant turns 12, it leaves the group, which means that the herds are made up of only females and cubs. Males can join in pairs or threes and fight for a female.

Interesting facts about elephants: eating, eating and eating

If it is surprising that a koala is able to spend 22 hours sleeping, how about the fact that an elephant spends 16 hours eating ? Mothers certainly don’t need to repeat to their children “eat, otherwise you won’t grow up”.

It is estimated that an elephant can ingest an average of 220 pounds of food per day.

Elephant eating

Their verse

Elephants are not dumb, but they produce a sound that is said to barbar.

Their trunk

You already know that elephant trunks are mostly used for drinking water, but this is not their only use. Elephants, in fact, also use it to scratch their eyes and ears, but also to pick up or throw objects.

Their ears are unique

The ears of elephants are unique, each one is different, not even those of the same specimen are identical. In fact, they show signs that we can compare to our fingerprints.

Interesting facts about elephants: a species of dwarf elephants existed

The various species have evolved over time. We are aware of a species of elephant the size of a deer that lived in prehistoric times.

The age

An elephant can reach 70 years of age, although the longest-lived elephant record is 82 years.

The pregnancy

One of the interesting facts about elephants concerns gestation, which lasts 22 months. This is the longest pregnancy of all animals living on earth. Only!

The food

Many wonder what elephants eat; their diet is based on grasses and tree bark.

What did you think of these elephant curiosities? We hope that they have been of interest to you and that they have helped you to get closer to these cute animals?

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