Delicious Home Recipes For Your Pets

Delicious home recipes for your pets

We have already had the opportunity to talk about the satisfaction that comes from doing something with our own hands. Regardless of the final result that will depend on our ability, the satisfaction for trying will be enormous. And if we do it for someone we love, we will feel even more satisfied. For this reason today we will show you some homemade recipes that will delight your pet.

Homemade recipes for pets


First of all, you need to consult with your veterinarian about the convenience or otherwise of introducing the ingredients described below into your pet’s diet. It is essential to make sure that he does not suffer from any food intolerance, and if you notice any reactions, talk to his “doctor”. With this premise, please take note of the following home recipes.

Tuna biscuits for dogs


  1. 2 cans of tuna
  2. 4 tablespoons of flour
  3. 2 eggs
  4. Grated Parmesan cheese
  5. Half a tablespoon of garlic powder


Mash the tuna with the help of a fork, until you get a pap. Then add the flour, eggs and garlic. Add just enough water to obtain a dough similar to the one used to make sponge cake. Finally add a little grated Parmesan cheese.

Roll out the dough well and give it the shape you want. To cut it out, you can use pastry molds. Place the biscuits on a baking sheet with parchment paper and place in the oven at 180 ° C. When they are golden, they will be ready for your dog.

Pasta with meat and eggs for dogs


  1. 150 g of pasta
  2. 100 g of meat
  3. 1 egg


Cook the pasta normally, but do it al dente. Once ready, drain it. Separately, cook the minced meat in a pan. Then, add the egg and the pasta and go over everything together. When the egg has solidified you will have a simple but very nutritious dish ready. A good alternative to dog food.

Meatballs of minced meat with vegetables for dogs and cats


  1. 150 g of vegetables
  2. 100 g of meat
  3. 75 g of rice
  4. 5 tablespoons of broth with a little salt


Cook the vegetables, steamed if possible. You can opt for frozen vegetables, which will make your work much easier. Meanwhile, cook the rice too. When both ingredients are ready, let them cool. Then mix the vegetables, rice and raw meat and add the broth. Make sure that the mixture has a rather compact consistency, and go to create balls. Now you just have to observe how your pet enjoys this delicious dish.

Cod burger for cats



  1. ¼ kilo of cod
  2. Parsley
  3. Garlic powder
  4. Breadcrumbs
  5. Egg
  6. Flour


Grind the cod using a food processor if you have it, otherwise cut it with a knife into very small pieces. Add it to parsley, garlic powder, salt, egg and breadcrumbs. Shape it into a hamburger, dip it in flour and fry it only lightly. Your cat will love the dish.

Tuna and pate snacks for dogs and cats


  1. 2 cans of tuna
  2. 2 cans of pate
  3. 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce


Mix the tuna, pate and two spoonfuls of tomato sauce in a bowl. Mix everything with your hands and with the dough obtained create some morsels for your pet. They will probably appeal to you as well.

Cereal pastes for dogs


  1. 1 cup of wholemeal flour
  2. 50 g of oat bran
  3. 50 g of butter
  4. Lemon and vanilla peel


Mix all the ingredients and knead them until you get a homogeneous mixture. Give the pasta the shape you want. As we saw in a previous recipe, you can use tools that make your job easier. Place the biscuits on baking paper and place them in the oven at 200 ° C for about 10/15 minutes. When they are cold, your dog will be able to satiate properly.

By now you are aware of some homemade recipes to delight your pets. Now it’s up to you to decide which one to start with.

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