Did You Know That Cinnamon Is Good For Dogs?

Did you know that cinnamon is good for dogs?

Among the curiosities concerning the world of dogs, we find their passion for cinnamon. For many four-legged friends it is an authentic delicacy which, moreover, is very good for health.

Effects of cinnamon on dog health

Cinnamon is traditionally given to dogs to treat certain ailments  such as flatulence, nausea, diarrhea or menstrual pain; of course, its good scent also serves to make the baby food more appetizing.


Another benefit attributed to this spice is the ability to increase energy, vitality and promote brain development. There are several types of cinnamon, but the Ceylon variety and cassia are the most in demand.

Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels and increases insulin resistance. For this reason, in addition to being very useful for overweight and diabetic people, it is also very useful for older dogs who have developed obesity problems.

But there is more: it provides good protection from fungal or fungal infections, to which dogs with allergies are more prone.

It is also endowed with strong antibacterial power:  in fact, it helps to slow down the deterioration of food. For example, leftover canned food will keep much better if we place it in the refrigerator sprinkled with a little cinnamon.

Studies and research

Various laboratory tests have shown that cinnamon hinders the development of some bacterial strains. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory effect and used, for example, in the treatment of arthritis. By mixing a small amount of cinnamon with honey, we get a healthy and natural syrup, a good solution to various inflammatory conditions.

Even in the case of very serious diseases, such as bone cancer, this spice helps the dog to tolerate pain better. The same, in the case of stomach problems, rashes, heart disease, etc.

Cinnamon offers an interesting supply of calcium and fiber and improves the level of cholesterol in the blood. It is also a natural insect repellent; it is sufficient to mix water and a few drops of essential oil and nebulize the environment, to keep insects away.

Some warnings

The cassia variety of cinnamon contains a compound called coumarin which, when ingested in large quantities, can damage the liver. Furthermore, the anticoagulant effect of this spice on the blood can cause bleeding if the animal is already being treated with other drugs.

Finally, an abuse of cinnamon could be dangerous for pregnant bitches and have negative effects on the health of the uterus.

In conclusion:


  • The anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon can be used effectively to treat pain caused by certain diseases such as arthritis.
  • It contains substances that help regulate the blood sugar level, so it is useful in case of diabetes.
  • In the presence of bone cancer, cinnamon helps to better tolerate pain.
  • It is effective for stomach upset, diarrhea and indigestion.
  • With cinnamon we can also treat the rashes of our four-legged friends.
  • The high calcium and fiber content helps prevent heart disease and protect heart health.
  • Helps keep blood cholesterol levels low.
  • By putting a few drops of cinnamon essential oil in a sprayer filled with water, we obtain a natural repellent that will scare away insects, protecting the dog and children.

In any case, before starting a treatment, however natural it is, it is always good to take into consideration some factors, such as the dog breed, size, nutrition, medical history of the dog, etc.

As always, the vet will be able to give you the most suitable advice for your dog’s particular conditions.

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