Differences Between Cats And Dogs

Some of the most obvious differences between dogs and cats are the independence of the feline and the absolute fidelity of the dog, but in fact these species differ in other aspects such as nutrition, hygiene or the time from which they were domesticated.
Differences between cats and dogs

At first glance, the differences between dogs and cats concern their physical appearance, but there are also significant differences on an emotional, behavioral, habits and diet.

In this article we will delve into the  differences between cats and dogs.

What are the differences between cats and dogs?

Sometimes you want to adopt a pet and don’t know which one to choose. Dogs and cats are beautiful animals, but they differ in some important ways and not all people are suitable for keeping one or the other species at home. Among the main differences between dogs and cats we highlight:

1. Behavior

The first major difference is that the cat, like all felines, is a solitary hunter while the dog prefers to live in packs such as the wolf, from which it descends.

Cats don’t have a big problem spending hours alone in the house, while dogs need company  or else they can feel depressed or sick.

In addition, dogs do what they can to please the owner, whom they consider the pack leader, while cats tend to play alone when they feel like it.

2. Nutrition

Although both dogs and cats eat special feeds living indoors, there are differences in nutrition and the way they feed.

Felines are carnivores, are stealthy, and hunt prey such as birds, rodents, or insects. They only accept certain types of food, such as fish or pate.

Food for dogs and cats

Dogs are omnivores, so they eat a greater variety of foods. They can eat some fruits and vegetables, red and white meat and even legumes. If necessary, they can even survive on a vegetarian diet.

A curiosity: dogs can spend more time without eating than cats, consuming body fat for energy. Therefore, it is common to see the dog consume the entire daily portion in a few minutes, particularly for some greedy breeds such as the Labrador, while the cats have numerous snacks throughout the day.

3. Hygiene

Another of the fundamental differences between cats and dogs is cleanliness. Dogs do not groom themselves, and if they are not bathed regularly, they give off a strong odor.

Conversely, cats can spend many hours engaging in personal cleaning. The cat is extremely unlikely to stink; if this happens, it means that something is wrong and you will have to take the animal to the vet right away.

Cat licks his paw

4 Domestication

Cats are wilder than dogs, which is why it’s usually harder to teach them some habits (and actually learn them). Typically the cat does what it wants depending on the situation. The dog, on the other hand, if trained from an early age, can be extremely obedient in any situation, at home, in the park or even on the beach.

5. Territoriality and protection

One of the first things a cat does when first brought into a new home is to mark everything with its scent by rubbing against objects, furniture, walls and people. Dogs, on the other hand, do not mark the territory as their own, unless there are multiple specimens in the house.

Finally, the dog will not hesitate for a moment to protect the owner, wherever he is and regardless of the danger that this entails for him.

The cat, on the other hand, will only attack if it senses that its territory has been invaded, regardless of whether whoever is approaching is a stranger or not.

Dogs and cats are very different, it is evident; however, they are the best pets you could ever want.

Consider their specific needs and offer them all your love. In return, they will love you and keep you plenty of company. You can also decide to adopt both a cat and a dog: they will easily become great friends.

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