Differences Between City Dogs And Country Dogs

The differences between the two species reside in the character, size, morphology and diet; they are also treated differently
Differences between city dogs and country dogs

We often hear about country dogs and city dogs, and it is normal to wonder what differences characterize them. Are you interested in discovering them? Today we will tell you about it!

Many are of the opinion that dogs are always dogs, regardless of where they were born or where they live. It is also true that some traits of the character and personality of dogs have elements in common that are independent of their origin; however, there are real differences between examples of the countryside and examples of cities.

What are the differences between country dogs and city dogs due to?

One of the main reasons behind these differences is that most city dog ​​owners humanize their pet, leading them to adapt to the circumstances and lifestyle of the city. Conversely, dogs that grow up in open air fields are treated quite differently.

These are some of the differences in treatment:

dog eats from the bowl


City dogs are usually fed high quality industrial feed containing all the nutrients needed to keep their coat shiny, strong bones and body in perfect condition.

On the other hand, country dogs tend to receive leftover food leftovers from their owners’ dinner as a meal.


Although dogs of all sizes can be found in the city, it is easier to find small or medium-sized dogs , more suited to apartment living. Conversely, country dogs are often large and sturdy and have much more space available.


Why you get a city dog ​​rather than a country dog ​​is also relevant. City dogs are animals adopted in order to find companionship, to add a family member to fill the house with joy.

Anatolian shepherd dog with cattle

Conversely, country dogs tend to be used as herding or guard dogs, so they tend to live outside the home and receive less attention and cuddles on average.

Visits to the vet

City dogs tend to be treated like real children, which is why owners take it upon themselves to periodically take them for a vet review, brush their teeth or bathe once a month. All these aspects often take a back seat in country life.

Differences in character and personality

Of course, the environment in which they live and the care that both types of dogs receive determine an important difference in their personality and character, as well as in terms of health. Here are some examples:

  • Courage. Dogs that are born or live in the countryside tend to be more courageous in facing challenges and less fearful than city dogs, precisely because the latter are overprotected by their owners.
  • Stress. Country dogs suffer much less stress than city dogs, since they live outdoors and in freedom, and have the opportunity to give free rein to their instincts.
  • Smell.  Although this sense is highly developed in all dogs, in the case of country dogs it becomes an even more remarkable quality.

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