Discover The Most Famous Terriers

Discover the most famous Terriers

Terriers are perhaps one of the largest families in the canine world. Hailing from England and the islands of English descent, they are lively, active and very enthusiastic. Although they originated as dogs for hunting moles or in fights, they are nowadays one of the favorite dog families of those who want to adopt a dog. Let’s see some of the most famous Terriers.

Bull Terrier

Let’s start this list with one of the most powerful members of the family. The Bull Terrier possesses a unique snout, which is its most famous feature. Some say a Bull Terrier’s head and small, triangular eyes resemble those of a shark. They are very energetic, protective and fun dogs. Their posture, in addition to showing their chests and highlighting their small pelvis, gives them an always alert appearance that is attractive and bewitching for many.

Anyone who adopts a Bull Terrier must be a very active person, as this breed will demand it.  It is said that they are aggressive, but this is not true at all. Bull Terriers are indeed a very dominant breed, but it is only because of the inadequate training provided by some trainers (such as training them for fights) that they have acquired a reputation as a violent dog.

The Scottish Terrier

Scottish terrier

Also known as the Aberdeen Terrier or, more commonly, Scottie, it is a dog from Scotland. Just as most Terriers were bred for hunting, they are brave, lively, swift and agile.

This dog is a true burrower and was originally bred to hunt badgers, developing a very strong tail, as it is from this part of the body that hunters pulled the Scottie to flush out badgers. He is a very affectionate dog with his owners, even if he is disinterested and reserved towards strangers. It is also independent, with a lot of self-confidence and always keeps alert, barking only when necessary. Undoubtedly due to his strong hunting instinct, he has to be socialized from an early age.

Fox Terrier

Playful, cheerful, active and elegant, these are the characteristics of Fox Terriers. Developed to flush foxes out of their holes, Fox Terriers make excellent apartment dogs, being medium in size, although excess energy could generate some behavioral problems if you don’t walk around and play with them frequently.

Their strong hunting instinct is something you must always keep in mind when breeding, otherwise they will always want to chase after other animals, such as cats and mice, or dig in the garden when they are bored. Despite this, they are very faithful dogs to their owners, valiant guardians of the house, affectionate and attentive.

Jack Russel Terrier

In the Jack Russel Terrier you will find all the strength and vitality of a large breed dog, all in a small size. Hardworking, energetic and cheerful, dogs of this breed always keep themselves alert. They are also one of the most independent dogs among Terriers, which makes them perfect for people who have to spend a lot of time outside the home. In any case, do not think that it does not need treatment and training.

As well as the Fox Terrier, it has always been trained to hunt foxes, therefore it is a very fast animal (a fundamental requirement to be able to participate in fox hunting) and therefore needs a lot of exercise and play in order not to get bored. .

American Pit Bull Terrier


Pit Bull Terriers are extremely energetic dogs and great athletes. They were bred for dog fights and for this reason they have a bad reputation (as do all Pit Bulls in general). In fact, Pit means pit, combat pit. However, they are undoubtedly excellent companion dogs and if socialized in the right way, they make excellent family dogs.

They are smaller than other Pit Bulls, although they retain the strong, athletic musculature of their peers. This makes them excellent in sports. They are also dogs willing to do anything to please their owner. They are intelligent and very loyal. However, they will require a great deal of exercise to release all the energy they possess.

However, given their bad reputation, the possession of these dogs is regulated and even sometimes prohibited in some countries and regions. In Italy these dogs fall into the category of “potentially dangerous dogs”. Despite this, they are very playful and sociable dogs, endowed with a golden character and a decidedly acute intelligence.

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