Do Dogs Cry Or Just Tear?

Do dogs cry or just tear?

Crying doesn’t just mean tears coming out of your eyes. There is a very strong emotional connotation to this concept. Crying is the result of a reaction to an emotion, often strong, uncontrollable. When people cry, it is because they feel something in the heart, deep in the soul.

But there is also simple tearing. And, of course, crying and weeping are not the same thing. Think, for example, of when a grain of sand enters your eye. Tear, but don’t cry. An immediate, automatic response from the organism that has nothing to do with emotions or feelings. A difference that we have also decided to analyze with respect to our dear animals. Well: Do dogs cry or tear?

Do dogs cry in response to an emotion?

Nobody doubts that animals also have feelings. Dogs, in particular, are extremely sensitive. They feel pain, sadness, joy, euphoria and anxiety. It is an extremely emotional species. This is why, perhaps, dogs are very similar to humans. Now well: are we sure that dogs cry and do not tear?

According to experts on the subject, dogs cry but regardless of an emotional reaction. The “emotional tears” are typical only of the human race. It has not yet been proven that another species possesses this characteristic. Therefore, your dog does not cry to accompany a feeling, but this does not mean that the animal does not feel anything, quite the contrary. Dogs show their emotions and feelings through other types of behavior. But not with tears.

dog lying tear

Human beings are the only species that cry when they feel pain, sadness, joy and so on. In addition to this, tears perform a very specific function. They lubricate and protect the eye: that’s why all animal species tear (and don’t  cry).

Seeing a dog watering is, in fact, quite common. This is due to many external factors. The climate and the microbes of the environment are the most frequent causes of animal tearing. Being very sensitive, a dog’s eye can often be irritated or suffer from multiple diseases. We speak, as seen, of a concatenation of purely physiological, not emotional aspects.

How do dogs show their emotions?

Since dogs tear and do not cry, one wonders how they manage to communicate their emotions. These emotional demonstrations take place in a different way from the human one, exploiting actions and behaviors. We also underline the fact that every dog ​​will always adopt the prevailing mood in his own family. This is why it is very important to  maintain harmony and balance  at home, to raise a healthy and calm dog.

Behaviors of a dog to demonstrate emotions

  • Howl : It is a clear symptom of sadness or intense pain. A dog also howls when he feels lonely. In sporadic cases, some specimens have been seen to adopt this behavior in states of particular excitement or happiness.
  • Groan : Another symptom of discomfort or pain. Your dog may moan when he is not comfortable and can hide both a physical and an emotional problem.
  • Barking : Barking also identifies a range of emotions. When a dog barks wildly, it can be a sign of happiness and pleasure. If he barks in a dry and quiet way, it can indicate fear and distrust.
  • Tail Wagging : When a dog wags its tail slightly, it is usually anxious. If quick, this famous gesture connotes enthusiasm. Your friend will wag his tail when he wants to play, eat or if you come home after a few hours of absence.

    Other emotional cues

    We have seen how the dog shows his feelings. However, there are also other signs that a good owner must learn to know. If your four-legged friend is not eating and appears apathetic, tired and listless, he may be suffering from depression. Animals are very intuitive. This helps them perceive everything that happens in their environment.

    muzzle of beagle

    For this reason, the animal will internalize everything that happens around him. His eyes and brain act like a sponge, absorbing all the energies of the environment in which he lives. When there are tensions, imbalances or even violence, the dog’s mood will worsen, tending to mistrust, fear and loneliness. A bit like it happens with small children.

    Eyes, looks and tears

    The dog’s eyes also reflect his mood. Just look at them to know how your pet feels. Intuitive people can well spot an emotion through a simple glance. The same is true in reverse: this is why dogs perfectly understand how their owners feel.

    In conclusion, it can be said that dogs cry, but not because of emotions. More and more scientific studies confirm this fact. Let’s get used to interpreting other behaviors, without the risk of humanizing too much these animals, endowed with great intelligence and lively sensitivity.

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