Does Veterinary Homeopathy Really Work?

Veterinary homeopathy is defined as a therapeutic method to prevent, treat and alleviate diseases in animals, using homeopathic medicines.
Does veterinary homeopathy really work?

Homeopathy is a type of alternative medicine that is used to treat various ailments. In recent times, the corresponding veterinary homeopathy is also making room for the care of pets .

In this article we will analyze the possible benefits and contraindications of this type of treatments. The goal is to help you understand what it is, so that you can make the right decision when choosing a cure for your dog or cat. Here is all the useful information about  veterinary homeopathy.

What is veterinary homeopathy?

Veterinary homeopathy is defined as a therapeutic method to prevent, treat and alleviate diseases in animals, using homeopathic medicines.

As you may know, these drugs are sold with an allegedly huge advantage over regular drugs. They would only produce benefits in the treatment of diseases, without triggering unwanted effects or interfering with other medicines.

What are veterinary homeopathic medicines based on?

Hahnemann was the main promoter of homeopathy and based its use on the belief that diseases should be treated with elements that caused the same symptoms. According to classical homeopathy, a snake bite must be treated with poison.

However, this kind of practice was dangerous, so Hahnemann decided to start diluting the elements in distilled water, to such an extent that the amount became tiny and harmless. These drugs had no contraindications and were completely safe.

In short, homeopathic treatment was reduced to something very similar to drinking a glass of water. It may therefore come as a surprise that it can have real benefits on animals.

The problem is that, sometimes, the elements used to make veterinary homeopathy drugs are truly surreal.

Lights from bulbs, saturn, cispe, even Berlin Wall dust are used which, apparently, is effective against separation anxiety. And all supported by emeritus science communicators.

Pads with a little dog in the background

Is veterinary homeopathy water? How is it diluted?

As we said earlier, this medicine is based on extreme dilutions.

No scientific apparatus is able to detect any molecule of curative agent in the products of veterinary homeopathy.

To give you an idea, 1CH is the basic homeopathic dilution unit, where 99% of the drug is water. Well, consider that homeopathic medicines use dilutions higher than 7CH.

That is to say, imagine taking a teaspoon of dessert with drink and throwing it into a liter of water. Mix everything and, from that liter, take another teaspoon and repeat the process seven times.

Until even the most advanced molecular measurement system is unable to find anything. This is why according to official science, homeopathy is “a very expensive water”.

Is veterinary homeopathy dangerous?

Many wonder how it is possible that veterinary and human homeopathy medicines have no side effects.

It is surprising that homeopathic sleeping pills do not have negative effects on driving, like traditional medicines do. Should there be typical contraindications for certain drug compounds, it is inevitable.

But it is also surprising to find that there are side effects in homeopathy, but mainly caused by the excipients.

That is, those elements that are not healing. For example, to substances that make compounds solid or even aromas that can cause negative reactions or allergies.

Some argue that homeopathy is even dangerous, both because of the allergic reactions it can cause, and because veterinary homeopathy replaces treatments whose effectiveness is scientifically proven.

Dog looks at an open medicine bottle

Does veterinary homeopathy work?

That’s a good question, because even homeopaths agree that no substances other than water can be found in homeopathic dilutions. Hence, the mere absence of any element casts doubt on whether it is of any use.

Yet, there are still many cases of people claiming to be cured with homeopathy. Or even happy owners because their pets were saved by choosing this almost “miraculous” medicine.

It should be made clear that diseases have different causes and that in many cases one drug is not enough. For example, veterinarians not only recommend medications for urinary problems, there is also a diet recommended for a dog with kidney failure that must accompany the use of the medications prescribed by the specialist.

This is why, when faced with a veterinary homeopathy cure, it is necessary to understand if the veterinarian has also recommended other treatments.

Veterinary homeopathy cannot be said to work against obesity if you have forced your dog to lead a less sedentary life by reducing or improving his diet …

One of the main arguments against homeopathy is the placebo effect , which is extensively described in the literature. Basically, it is an improvement in the patient who is given something that he believes is a drug, but it has no effect.

Does veterinary homeopathy have a placebo effect?

Although it is not yet known for sure how the placebo effect works , in every drug study it is considered and tests are carried out with examples of placebos to differentiate the “psychological” results from the real ones.

The brain thinks it is healed, so the body generates substances that reduce pain and mask symptoms.

Master gives a pill to a beagle

There are several studies that have shown that the effects of homeopathy are a placebo effect, however, there has also been documented improvement in animals, which probably don’t understand what drugs are. Is this the ultimate proof that homeopathy works?

The truth is that most of the reports that try to prove the effectiveness of veterinary homeopathy are based on feelings from the veterinarian or pet owner.

Generally they are subjective judgments or, more simply, one tries to rely on homeopathy to see unreal improvements but which are convenient for one’s emotional well-being.

 If we asked you if your dog is better, your answer would be motivated by emotions and not by a scientific analysis.

On the other hand, the immune system itself acts on many diseases with the help of external interventions that promote healing, as we have seen in the case of obesity. Even so, the failures of veterinary homeopathy are very numerous and suggest to always choose only scientifically tested medicines.

Should you believe in veterinary homeopathy?

When analyzing the pros and cons of this type of therapy, the safest choice for your pets is to rely on traditional medicine. It sure has its flaws, but at least it’s based on science and real clinical improvement.

We always recommend that you consult and seek advice from your veterinarian, who is the only one able to make objective decisions about the health of an animal. Some specialists may suggest homeopathy to you. If so, it is advisable to get a second opinion.

And don’t forget the turnover that exists around homeopathy. A further element that must make you think, when choosing an alternative type of care for your pet.

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