Does Your Cat Scratch Everything? Here’s What To Do

Does your cat scratch everything?  Here's what to do

To mark the territory, because he is bored or simply wants to sharpen his nails, here is your beloved cat scratching everything. Curtains, carpets, antique furniture and even the last dress you bought … Even if it doesn’t do it on purpose or to get revenge on something or spite, the truth is that it is worth intervening. Nobody likes having a living room torn to shreds, much less having to shell out hundreds of euros to repair chairs, sofas and more.

In this article we will give you some useful tips to prevent your little feline from becoming the nightmare of the house. A few simple tricks but really  very effective.

Why does your cat scratch everything?

All cats need to scratch and scratch different surfaces. In the case of wild cats, they are used to letting off steam against a tree, a stone or a branch. .. But the domestic cats  have no such natural ‘pastimes’ at their disposal. That’s why they seem to want to take it out on your furniture!

Since it is not possible to change animal instincts and certain primitive behaviors, it is essential to know what are the reasons that lead your pet to scratch everything. For example, the need to tip your claws, wanting to get rid of dead nails, the willingness to communicate with others, release stress and still mark the territory that you believe belongs only to you.

So, that doesn’t mean your cat destroys the sofa just for fun or because he wants to annoy you. You must understand that its action is based on purely biological and adaptive needs.

5 tricks to stop your cat from scratching

You can scold him a thousand times, but it is useless … He will continue to scratch all your furniture, old, new, expensive or Ikea. Since it is unthinkable to ‘teach’ your cat a new behavior, there are still a number of  tricks and tricks that will help you in your goal. Let’s see what they are:

1. Get to know your cat’s tastes

Although most of the time a cat tends to scratch the sofa, there are others who prefer a curtain, rug or table. This can be due, for example, to the texture, texture or material that the objects are made of and also to the place they occupy inside the house.

cat on scratching post frame

It should not be underestimated that the animal chooses the furniture used for the longest time by the owner, where there are more hormonal traces. It is almost a way to share affection, to make you understand that he also likes what you like. The first suggestion is to cover the offending chair, sofa or bed with a thick sheet.

2. Buy a scratching post

Another way to ensure that your cat doesn’t scratch the whole house is to offer him objects or toys that he can let off steam freely. In pet shops you will find many types of  scratching posts  that often also have a thread and a ball. If you have the opportunity, you can also try building one at home, with wood, string and ropes. Materials that can make friction and resist the claws of the cat of the house.

It is important not to force him to use it, let him approach the new object and get used to it. A good way to do this is to place some of your clothes at the base or place the scratching post near the sofa, curtain or chair that your cat likes to scratch.

3. Use aluminum foil

Probably nobody likes to have furniture covered with aluminum. This trick, even if aesthetically questionable, is on the contrary very effective against cat scratches. Your little pet hates the sound this material makes when it comes into contact with its claws. A simple way to save the life of the oldest furniture.

4. Some do-it-yourself remedies

In pet stores, they sell sprays that supposedly deter the cat from scratching or scratching the furniture. However, their effectiveness is not proven, and they won’t do any good if you don’t give your pet another object to sharpen his nails.

cat scratching the sofa

Some people have pre-ovated clove oil and sprinkled some near furniture, curtains and chairs. Apparently, the smell that this natural product gives off is not to the liking of small cats and will keep your cat away from certain areas of the house.

Another handy option are citrus fruits: we suggest using lemon or orange zest near the furniture. Alternatively, drop a few drops of juice directly on the part of the furniture most sensitive to ‘attacks’.

5. Positive reinforcement

If you catch your cat scratching the sofa or other furniture, scolding him won’t do any good. As a result, you will only get fright and a decrease in self-confidence. When this happens, it is best to speak kindly to him and guide him so that he goes to the scratching post. If he approaches his play area alone, remember to reward him. Positive reinforcement is the best motivational lever for training your pets.

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