Dog Behavior Depends On Size

The behavior of dogs depends on the size

Recent studies conducted in different parts of the world have concluded that both the size and the shape of the head are factors that decisively influence the behavior of your dog. 

These analyzes show a relationship between the animal’s height and weight, the shape of its head and its behavior. In particular, the smaller the size of the dog, the greater the propensity of this to have problems with aggression.

Small and large dogs

puppy in girl's arms

In real life all those who love dogs have seen at least once a small dog with an incredibly strong character, more aggressive than other larger dogs, with more learning difficulties, greater anxiety problems derived from separation from its owner, always in need to be the center of attention and much more.

Usually, the  greater the size of the dog, the easier it is to learn and train. On the other hand, unwanted behaviors, according to the conclusions we have been able to reach, increase as the tonnage decreases.

Breeds of different sizes

Smaller breeds, such as terriers, usually show aggression towards people and animals they don’t know. This has a scientific explanation. In particular, the Terrier breed was bred to hunt small animals, so it is possible that the small short-legged breeds have inherited this aggression.

On the other hand, larger dog breeds have developed more serene and peaceful behaviors. This may be due to the fact that they were adopted early as pets. The greater the size of the animal usually corresponds to a lower propensity to hyperactivity, probably due to a heavier body.

How are the bosses?

The behavior of the owners also affects the attitude of the dogs, depending on their size. Small dog owners are likely to be more tolerant of them, even if they behave inappropriately. If you do this, know that this overprotectiveness and this allowing certain attitudes will affect your dog’s future behavior.

Many experts agree that almost half of all attacks by dogs against people or other animals are due to the lack of authority that their owners exercise over them. A huge number of dogs are abandoned every year, and some are even culled, due to a violent temper. Normally, in these cases, the finger is pointed at the breeds considered more aggressive… but this is not exactly the case.  

The problem is not race, but education

Contrary to what one might think, the breed is not a determining factor for the aggressiveness of dogs. Studies have been conducted with many dogs of potentially dangerous breeds, such as Boxer, Pitbull, Rottweiler or Dobermann. The dominant behavior of many males belonging to these breeds has always been associated with aggression.

However, the studies carried out have concluded that these dominant behaviors have a relative influence on the violent character of an adult dog. The education received by the owner is much more influential, what the animal has seen in its home and what it has “absorbed”.

A dog, regardless of breed, that has received an education based on obedience and affection, is very unlikely to exhibit aggressive or violent behavior. If this happens, it could be due more to a pathological problem (as in the case of canine hypothyroidism) than to an intrinsic characteristic of the breed. Unfortunately, the latter is a simplistic justification that is too often used.

Violent responses

German shepherd jumps

Yes, it is true that aggression can be a way for dogs to maintain their position or status within their community, to protect it, to stand as a leader in case there is another male, etc. Faced with this type of attitude, it is essential that the owner intervenes from the beginning: you must correct the behavior of your dog if it shows violent attitudes and, if you cannot do it on your own, you must contact a professional.

You don’t have to justify any violent behavior, under any circumstances. If you notice violence-prone behavior, help from a specialist may be the key to solving the problem.

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