Dog Or Cat? Facebook Analyzes Us Based On Our Preferences

Dog or cat?  Facebook analyzes us based on our preferences

It is one of those endless discussions, like when they ask you if you prefer the sea or the mountains. Dog or cat? Cat or dog? Good question! There are supporters on both sides, but the sure thing is that it all depends on our personality, on how we relate to pets and even on the house we live in. Facebook tried to trace our psychological profile based on the animal that complements our family.

Dog or cat, that’s the question

There is no doubt: a dog owner has a different character from a cat owner. The dog is a more active and dependent animal, the cat is more solitary and autonomous.  But is it really true that owners and animals look alike, as is often said?


This is the question that the Facebook managers asked themselves and which led to an analysis that classifies the differences between “gattari” users and “canari” users, as they say in Rome. The study took into consideration the photographs posted by 160,000 users (where obviously an animal appears). The images were analyzed by the same program that is able to recognize the faces of our friends; the conclusions they reached are quite interesting.

According to this research, dog owners have on average 25 more friends than cat lovers. The latter, however, have more invitations to participate in events than the former.

There is also a difference in the mood expressed on Facebook. Cat owners exhibit a wider variety of feelings and use the “I’m sorry” emoticon more frequently than dog lovers.

Cat lovers feel tired, amused, irritated, happy, sad, in love, excited, happy. Dog worshipers often feel fabulous, blissful, proud and excited.

Another fact: 30% of those who love cats are single, against 24% of those who love dogs. The difference is minimal, so it can be concluded that the choice of one species or the other has little to do with life as a couple.

What unites the two categories? They both like the Frozen film , the Law & Order TV series  and the novel The Great Gatsby by  F. Scott Fitzgeral d. This is strange …

Dog or cat? What does science say?

Science says that those who decide to share a home with a dog are the most responsible; cat owners are more adventurous. The differences between the two categories are not limited to this.

The University of Texas, following a study, has drawn the conclusions that ” there are remarkable differences between people who feel closer to dogs and those who prefer cats “.

In the sample analyzed by this research, 46% feel closer to dogs, 28% more to cats.

From the character point of view, the research shows that whoever owns a dog would have a more extroverted and less neurotic character. Those in this group describe themselves as kind, responsible, with the idea of ​​getting married and having a family with children.


On the other hand, cat fanatics are more adventurous, creative, prone to anxiety, and more likely to live alone (they are more independent).

Science explains this difference with the character “contagion” between the human being and the animal, but also with the way in which we live the relationship with animals.

This means, for example, that those who are very outgoing naturally feel closer to the dog and tend to choose him as a life partner. Conversely, lovers of solitude and self-sufficiency often seek the company of a cat.

The dog requires more care and attention, involves more expenses, is more noisy but at the same time keeper of the hearth and faithful companion. The cat is more independent, does not give excessive work and is perfect for those who work all day.

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