Dog Sitter

dog sitter

Surely you have already seen a dog sitter walking with a group of dogs and think that you could contact one for yours. However, if you want to prevent your dog from having bad experiences, we suggest a series of attitudes that you should evaluate in a dog sitter before taking him on.

For many people, their dog is a treasure and they tend to be wary of the person they trust in their absence and it is completely understandable. You are never provident enough when the health and well-being of your pet is at stake and that is why we advise you to carefully observe the person you plan to hire to take care of your furry friend and take him for a walk.

Opinions and business cards

If you have contacted a professional dog sitter, the minimum you need is that they can offer you credentials, such as a business card and some opinions from previous clients.

The business card must contain all the necessary contact information. You can personally verify the credentials provided by the dog sitter and compare them with the information on the business card.


Knowing how to listen carefully

Professional dog sitters are very careful and rigorous people in following the directions and indications you give them on how to treat your dog.

But there is more: many dog ​​sitters may ask you, even before having the opportunity to get to know your dog, to fill out a questionnaire aimed at collecting a series of data concerning the animal, from veterinary information to questions about education, going through the type of food or snack you usually give him.

Other dog sitters, on the other hand, limit themselves to writing down the specific indications you give them: if this is your case, make sure that they have taken note of everything you have told them about your four-legged friend’s habits, their needs and the way you want it to be treated.

If you find that the dog sitter does not pay attention to your instructions, it would be better then that you do not take him, since this attitude could cause problems for your pet, in case, for example, he forgets that your dog is allergic. to a certain product.

Get acquainted

In most cases, professional dog sitters want to get to know the dog, interacting only with him before introducing him to the rest of the group : if this does not happen, then you should contact another professional, because skipping this delicate phase can lead to some problems. serious issues.

In fact, if your dog is a very shy animal, he will have a tendency to hide and not follow the group. Similarly, if there are any very dominant dogs in the group , problems can arise because your furry friend’s shyness could be interpreted as a sign of weakness.

A responsible dog sitter, on the other hand, will have to earn your dog’s trust before introducing him to the group of dogs he takes care of, interacting with him so that the animal does not feel uncomfortable or intimidated by the presence of other dogs during walks. .

The proper equipment

One thing you need to keep in mind is that  a good dog sitter should be equipped with everything needed to take better care of his furry customers. In addition to the shovel and bags to collect the droppings, he should always have a small emergency kit with him to be able to deal with small incidents, such as if the animal is injured, and of course your telephone numbers to be able to trace you in any time.


A responsible attitude towards animals

In addition to observing how he behaves towards other animals, a good way to understand if a dog sitter has a good relationship with the dog is, without a doubt, to see the type of reaction that animals have towards him: it is not a good a sign, in fact, that dogs are distrustful or fearful of their dog sitter.

It must also be said that in many countries this is an activity regulated by very specific rules, so pay attention to the following:

  • The dog sitter cannot walk more than eight dogs at a time, if they are small in size during the same outing, with a maximum of four animals per hand.
  • In the case of medium-sized dogs, the number drops to a maximum of two per hand.
  • If they are large or giant dogs , especially if they are powerful breeds, the dog sitter will only be able to carry one for each hand.
  • Certain breeds, such as Pitbulls, have the obligation to always walk with a muzzle, even if not all countries apply the same law in this regard.
  • The dog sitter must have a copy of each dog’s vaccination card with him.

At the end of the day, you will know that your furry friend has got on well with the dog sitter you have chosen to hire if, on his return home, you find him tired, but happy: you must not forget that a good dog sitter knows how to pull. out the best part of your dog.

The images were kindly provided by Los viajes del Cangrejo.

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