Dog Vaccinations And Their Importance For Health

Dog vaccinations and their importance for health

Adopting a dog, puppy or adult, involves accepting a large amount of responsibility. In addition to normal daily management, there is one aspect that you cannot compromise on: health. Thanks to vaccinations you can prevent diseases and serious illnesses. Let’s find out together what these vaccines consist of, how they work, when to use them and any risks for humans.

Dog vaccinations: here’s why they’re important

The first important thing to remember is that vaccinations for dogs work just like those for humans. For example, there is a vaccine schedule to follow which is crucial in the developmental stage of the animal when it is a puppy.

Vaccinating a dog means extending its life, avoiding potentially fatal pathologies and  guaranteeing normal development without physiological complications. Love for your four-legged friend must be concretely demonstrated, also thanks to these precautions.


Thanks to vaccinations, for example, you will avoid diseases such as:

  • Distemper.
  • Parvovirus.
  • Canine parainfluenza.
  • Bordetella.
  • Canine hepatitis.
  • Leptospirosis.
  • Anger.

Consider, then, that the latter two can also be transmitted to man. One more reason not to underestimate them.

The solution is simple. Ask the veterinarian to prepare a calendar with the essential vaccinations. Depending on your dog’s age, you can easily protect his and your health.

What to do before vaccinating a dog

Obviously, before vaccinating a dog, you will need to  check that his state of health is optimal. You cannot bring your friend to vaccinate superficially. A complete examination must first be carried out to verify that he is in good health. Before vaccinating your dog you will need to :

  • Carry out a parasite cure.
  • Check for the absence of any infectious diseases.
  • Heal allergies or other types of immune alterations.
  • Check that the dog is in excellent health.

In short, in order for the dog to be vaccinated, it cannot be in a state of weakness. Vaccinations can weaken health and their functioning depends on the ability of the animal organism to develop antibodies.

Possible reactions to vaccinations

Do not underestimate the possible reactions to vaccinations that the dog can show. After the application of the drug, in fact, in the following 48 hours, it is quite normal to have secondary effects. For instance:

  • Inflammation
  • He retched.
  • Edema.

In most cases, these phenomena wear off in the course of a few hours. Otherwise, you will necessarily have to go to the vet, without wasting time.

Useful tips regarding vaccines

In the case of puppies, to ensure proper immunity, vaccines need to be applied several times. Two or three vaccinations at least in the first 15 weeks, before repeating the operation one year later.

After this phase, the veterinarian will determine the inter to be followed, with new applications or establishing a more normal path for the animal, always in relation to the environment in which it lives.

A puppy without the correct vaccination can quickly become infected. For this, he must not leave the house or come into contact with other animals. We are talking about a real period of quarantine from the separation from the mother to the development of one’s natural defenses.

Vaccinating your dog is a responsibility


There is no excuse: it is  the owner’s responsibility to vaccinate the dog. It is a guarantee for his health and also for that of those who live with him. Avoid unpleasant diseases, infections and pathologies that can endanger even the common well-being.

Having a dog involves a certain kind of attention. Go to the vet, have a vaccination calendar drawn up and respect it carefully.

In case of doubt or for any kind of information or request, the veterinarians will be happy to guide you and instruct you on what to do. When we talk about the health of our dog it is always better to be well informed and constantly updated.

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