Dogs Are Man’s Best Friend

Dogs are man's best friend

Many times you have heard that dogs are the best friend a person can have. However, such  a phrase could become commonplace without any more importance. So how much truth is there in this statement? In this article we will tell you about it.

Where did the phrase “the dog is man’s best friend” born?

The origins of the phrase “the dog is man’s best friend” lead us to Missouri, United States, towards the end of the nineteenth century, where it was pronounced during a plea  by attorney George Graham Vest. 

He had been hired by a person whose dog, named Old Drum, had been murdered by a neighboring farmer.

During his final speech, the lawyer expressed many of the reasons that are used today to justify the fact that dogs are people’s best friends. The prayer became famous under the name of “Praise to the dog”.

Good reasons why dogs are considered man’s best friend

 Here are some of them:

  • They are faithful.
  • They do not discriminate against us for appearance, age, social conditions, etc.
  • They sense when we are sad and they comfort us.
  • They defend us when someone tries to attack us.
  • They keep us company, driving away depression and loneliness.
  • They can identify if we suffer from any illness.

Is it a sign of friendship that they don’t question us?

Some of the reasons many point out for claiming that dogs are man’s best friend are not very fair. 

For example, the fact that they  don’t judge us and that they love us despite everything.

On a human level,  this attitude does not characterize a good friend. 

It is clear that the dog has no faults. He cannot know what his master does in life. What we question is that we consider it positive that animals do not question our bad deeds.

Other reasons to consider them our best friends

Other reasons to consider them our best friends are that they follow us everywhere we go without complaining and that they don’t bear a grudge.

If a dog holds a grudge against his owner, it is because he has treated him badly, causing him physical and psychological damage.

It is not good friends to hurt and endure abuse in the name of friendship.

We can therefore say  that it is often people who are not the best friends of animals.

How can humans be a dog’s best friend?

In some cases, the relationship between dog and owner can be unhealthy. For example, when you lose all contact with people to devote yourself exclusively to your 4-legged friend.

The most important thing is to be able to honor the quote by turning dogs into our best friends. This is achieved by respecting their nature, training them well, and taking care of them responsibly.

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